Bapeten Collaborates with UGM to Study Development of Surveillance Cultural System
Kembali 12 November 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

Bapeten in collaboration with the Human Quality Development Unit (UPKM) UGM held a Study on The Development of Surveillance Culture System in Yogyakarta on Thursday (12/11) attended by Chairman of Bapeten virtually.

The event began with a speech from the Head Center of Nuclear Installation and Materials Regulatori Assessment(P2STPIBN) Yudi Pramono. Yudi said the cooperation of measuring the supervisory culture index in previous years there were no findings, both in terms of budget abuse and the results that have been obtained, so it is expected that this can bring about bureaucratic reforms.


Chairman of Bapeten, Jazi Eko Istiyanto who was present virtually in this event gave directions as well as a Public Lecture on the Culture of Supervision of BAPETEN. Chaiman of Bapeten strongly supports the cooperation between Bapeten and universities such as the cooperation that has been done with P2STPIBN with UGM today.

Related to the supervisory culture Chairman of BAPETEN in his presentation, explained that BAPETEN acts as the role of experts, communities and authorities. Then related to the independence of supervision conducted by BAPETEN conducted with 3S, safety, security and safeguard.


Jazi stressed the importance of philosophy in supervision, and how to keep the use of nuclear energy safe.

The next event is the presentation of the method of measuring the BAPETEN Supervisory Culture Index 2020 by Wahyu Jati Anggoro.In this session Wahyu described "we are still using existing measuring instruments, with the aim of mapping the surveillance culture in BAPETEN in 2020.By taking primary data and compared to the previous 2 years data that has managed to increase" he said.


Furthermore, due to pandemic conditions conducted using GForm, with 175 internal employees and 67 external non probability sampling will not be able to with all sampling, as for data analysis using descriptive methods.

Further presentation on the results of the measurement of Bapeten Surveillance Culture Index in 2020 delivered by Sumaryono. He said "we only facilitate the findings of AMPUH value from Bapeten. What is the interesting that there is a growing trend, that independence and Harmony have a high value. Independently related to the presence of safety awareness, and it turns out that externally it sees it and diamini. Interestingly we do is growing up because if I do then it will be individualist. If this is already an inherent value, internalization will be easier, and can be incorporated into the plan, and how it is tied into sustaine" he said.


About The Balance of 3 roles of surveillance culture, it was revealed by Sumaryono that now in 2020 a high role exists in the community.The consistency of the application of cultural values in 2020 on internal measurements of BAPETEN is also seen in external questionnaire measurements.

"If we want to compare with the measurement of customer satisfaction survey, it will be easier if we use several methods to crosscheck with user satisfaction survey" he said.

The next presentation of UPKM - UGM is about the follow up plan and implementation of Bapeten Supervision Culture in 2020 by Indrayanti. She outlined the actions that will be carried out which include establishing the identity of the organization, encouraging collective commitment, ensuring the stability of the social system, as well as shaping behavior by helping members understand their environment. Indrayanti said that rewarding is also part of the implementation of surveillance culture.


At the closing session Yudi Pramono said that in the short term this AMPUH culture will be formalized and the leaders has agreed to be in Bapeten’s Chairman Regulation. "The way to see the commitment will be made is to look at budgeting for the manufacture of Bapeten’s Chairman Regulationin the next year specifically budgeting for Bapeten’s Chairman Regulation Culture Supervision" he said.[BHKK/Bams/RA/OR]

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