BAPETEN Collaborates with the Ministry of Defense in the ASEAN Our Eyes (AOE) Strategic Information Exchange Meeting
Kembali 26 Juni 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

Collaboration in strengthening cooperation between BAPETEN and the Ministry of Defense (Kemhan) of the Republic of Indonesia as an effort to improve security in the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia was carried out in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Strategic Information Exchange ASEAN Our Eyes (AOE) Meeting held on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at the Bainstrahan Ministry of Defense. The FGD organized by the Pusinfostrahan Bainstrahan Kemhan took the topic "The Influence of High Technology on Terrorism and Radicalism Activities in Southeast Asia."

BAPETEN's participation in the FGD, which was opened by the Acting Head of the Defence Strategic Information Centre-Defense Strategic Installations Agency (Pusinfostrahan Bainstrahan), Ministry of Defense, Brigadier-General Tri Setyo Subagyo, was attended directly by the Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection of BAPETEN, Zainal Arifin. On this occasion, Zainal delivered material on "The Potential of AI (Artificial Intelligence) against Nuclear Security Threats and Their Prevention." The delivery of this material is expected to produce concrete strategic recommendations and inputs in dealing with the problems of violent extremism, radicalism, and terrorism, as conveyed by the acting head of Pusinfostrahan Bainstrahan, Ministry of Defense.


In addition to the material delivered by BAPETEN, material was also delivered by the senior researcher (Peneliti Ahli Madya) from the Directorate of Research and Innovation Policy Formulation, National Research and Innovation Agency (PKRTI-BRIN), Mardianis Djamaan, with the material "Outer Space and Cyberspace: Use of LEO Internet (Starlink) in Indonesia," as well as the Junior Policy Analyst (Analis Kebijakan Muda) of Deputy 2 for Cybersecurity and Crypto Operations, Directorate of Information Control - National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), Nurul Hasani, with the material "Potential Threats of Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Terrorism and Radicalization Activities."


This activity produced a lot of important information and input that can be of concern to leaders and as material for the exchange of strategic information at the ASEAN level. More specifically, it was emphasized that the threat of terrorism, radicalization, and extreme violence is still a serious threat to the Southeast Asia region and is influenced by the rapid development of technology today. [DIFRZR/Lukas/BHKK/OR/Translator: GP]

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