Babe Ipang, the Retired of BAPETEN Passed Away
Kembali 07 Juli 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

In the midst of the hectic news of the death of our family, our neighbors, and our relatives due to Covid-19, we are now shocked by the death of the retired BAPETEN Suryaningprang Mansoer, who passed away on Wednesday, 7 July 2021 at 09.15 WIB. Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun.

He had been sick for a long time, but the death was quite surprising because around 11 PM, he still communicate with his colleagues at BAPETEN via WhatsApp.

In BAPETEN, Suryaningprang, who is familiarly called Ipang, very close with other staff, including drivers, cleaning service, and security officers.

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“People who are tireless in doing good, who don't see caste. He always present beside the grieving person," says Syarif, staff of Organizational and General Bureau.

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Sunarya, staff of the Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances (DPFRZR) also said, "That's why we called him Babe, we think of him as our own parents".

"Besides that, he is a teacher, a mentor who hopes that the people under him are always enthusiastic, work well, and sincere," explain Sunarya recalling his sincerity of guiding his subordinates wisely and full of joy.

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During PPKM, not many staff and relatives be able to attend to take him directly to his final resting place.

Good bye Babe, we will always remember our joy and your kindness, your good deeds be accepted, and placed in the heaven of Allah SWT. Allomaghfirlahu warhamu waafiihi wa'funahu. [BHKK/Bams/IP/RA]

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