Award for the Best Employee of the Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances for the Period of May 2022
Kembali 21 Juli 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Director of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Minerals (DPFRZR) BAPETEN has again selected its best employee for the period May 2022. Selected as the best employee for this period were Sugiyanto from the Research and Industrial Facility Licensing Function Group, Naufal Alif Syarifuddin from the Health Facility Licensing Function Group, and Ardiyani Eka Patriasari from the Radiation Facility Licensing Function Group.

The award ceremony was held in a simple manner on Thursday, 21 July 2022 in the waiting room for the licensing service counter on the 3rd floor of Building B BAPETEN which was attended by the Director of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances, Ishak and guided by Mukhlisin as the Coordinator of the Research and Industrial Facility Licensing Function Group.

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The award was given directly by Ishak to the best elected employees, except for Ardiyani Eka Patriasari who was serving out of town, represented by Riviani Rizkia, Secretary of the DPFRZR. "This award is a thank you from us and we hope that we will all try to show our best work and that is a mandate so that we can contribute greatly to the best service for the community," said Ishak in his remarks.

On this occasion Ishak also said that, "We see that friends at the Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances have dedicated themselves to providing services to the community by working earnestly, and always giving a sincere smile to the Permit Applicant during consultations," he continued.

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"Currently the best employees are selected, only three personnel are selected, this is a representative of the Best of The Best from all friends in DPFRZR, and for those selected this time, it is hoped that they will maintain their performance and hopefully on the next occasion other friends will also get awards or similar opportunities” he said again.

The best employees who were selected were asked to provide testimonials for the awards they received. They said they were very grateful for the award they received and hoped that this award could also be received by other employees. "Thank you to friends who have voted in the poll and worked in licensing services, this is also a field of good deeds for us," said Sugiyanto in his testimony.

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The event was closed with a joint prayer guided by Henda Yunihartanto and confirmed by all the participants present.(DPFRZR/Sunarya/BHKK/Bams).

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