Assessment of Open Selection of The Echelon I Bapete
Kembali 02 Juni 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

Bapeten conducted an Open Selection Assessment of the Echelon I Position in Bapeten Environment on 2-4 June 2021, in the Meeting Room of Bapeten, B building which was attended by 9 participants. This open selection is to fill the positions of Director of Inspection of Nuclear Installations and Materials (DIIBN) and Head of Bureau of Planning, Information and Finance (BPIK).

The event was opened by the Head of Bureau of Organization and General Services (BOU) Dedik Eko Sumargo. He expressed his gratitude to the Head of the HR Assessor Team of the Main Apparatus Usman Gumanti from BKN. "I thank BKN for granting our request for the achievement of this selection process that we can carry out today," he said.



"This event becomes very important because we are conducting an open selection process that is attended by 9 participants including, 1 participant from Aceh. This process will be controlled directly by the Assessor Team from BKN under the leadership of Usman. Hopefully Bapeten will get the best candidates to be proposed to be DIIBN and BPIK" he added.

As the Head of task force Covid-19, Dedik did not forget to remind that the health protocol is implemented sincerely and responsibly, by participants, committees and assessors.



Meanwhile, Usman Gumanti who was present virtually representing BKN thanked for entrusting to BKN in this open selection process.

According to Usman, the implementation of this open selection is in accordance with the mandate of article 110 paragraph 5 of Law No. 5 of 2014 concerning the State Civil Apparatus, mentioned that the implementation of the selection competence from JPT candidates must pay attention to several things, including competence, qualification, training, integrity and the results of assessment of competence assessment center.

Usman expects participants to focus on following the selection process during these 3 days. "Avoid disturbing things such as smartphone that participants usually carry, to be silent or turned off. If you can during the selection process, do not charge tasks to participants, so there is no reason not to pass because of doing a job, "he said.



On the implementation of the selection on the first day, participants will carry out psychological test and socialization virtual assessment center.

After the participants finish following the selection process, the Assessor Team will publicly announce the 3 best candidates, and to choose one of the three who will occupy the JPT position becomes the prerogative of the Office of Personnel Development to choose the Chairman of Bapeten.

Executive Secretary Sugeng Sumbarjo who was present to open this event virtually said that this competency test became a necessity of this JPT selection.


Sugeng expressed gratitude to the participants in this open selection process, especially on the only participants from outside Bapeten, from Aceh. There will be the first 2 stages of managerial competency assessment, the second stage of technical competency assessment including interviews and papers. Then there is also a search of technical record track, what has served, education. Next we will choose 3 or 2 of each JPT candidate to be submitted to the Chairman of Bapeten.

On this occasion Sugeng submitted the participants to the Assessor Team, "Well, we submit the participants of the JPT position auction to the assessor team for further assessment, based on the experience that has been owned by the Team"

Finally Sugeng congratulated following the assessment process hopefully smoothly and can follow until it is finished. (BHKK/Bams/OR/RA)

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