Assessment of Candidates for the Nuclear Training Institute for Medan STIKES SENIOR
Kembali 05 September 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN's Directorate Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN) carries out an assessment of the potential for the appointment of a new training institution, the scope of PPR Medical in the activities of developing a Nuclear Training Institute. This time the assessment was at the Medan Health Sciences College (STIKES) SENIOR, North Sumatra.

The visit was led by DKKN Director Zulkarnain, accompanied by BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor Joni S. Kadir, Deddy Rusdiana and Eko Sapto Aji. On the first day, the BAPETEN team had a direct discussion with the Medan STIKES SENIOR management, which consisted of the Vice Chair, Head of the Study Program and all management in the Medan STIKES SENIOR.

On that occasion, the Head of the Medan STIKES SENIOR Radiology Study Program, Wanri Lumbanraja, shared positive aspirations with the arrival of a team from BAPETEN regarding the exploratory activities for candidates for Nuclear Training Institutes. Apart from that, Medan STIKES SENIOR also conveyed the organizational structure, facilities and infrastructure owned.

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On the second day, a meeting and discussion were held. On that occasion, the DKKN Director gave directions regarding BAPETEN's support for institutions that have the potential to be appointed as Nuclear Training Institutes. After that, it was followed by a presentation on the Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources by BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor Joni S Kadir, and a presentation on Provisions Related to Nuclear Training Institutes by BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor Deddy Rusdiana.

The event continued with discussions and visits to facilities owned by Medan STIKES SENIOR, regarding classroom facilities, laboratories for the use of ionizing radiation sources, monitoring equipment utilization permits, as well as inspection of other supporting facilities such as prayer facilities, parking lots and libraries.

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At the end of the visit, BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor Joni S Kadir conveyed a review of the 2 days visit "Medan STIKES SENIOR, has the potential to become a nuclear training institution, especially in the scope of PPR Medical Level 2. The requirements to become a Nuclear Training Institute have been largely fulfilled, only it is necessary to prepare quality documents as well as teaching modules to submit an application as a nuclear training institution.” [DKKN/Esa/BHKK/SP/Da/RA]

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