Annual Nuclear Safety Seminar 2021
Kembali 04 Agustus 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Safety Seminar (SKN) is annual agenda organized to become a scientific forum between supervisors, users, experts, and public, through the exchange of information, knowledge, experience, and opinions for the improvement of safety and security in the utilization of nuclear energy in Indonesia. SKN was held with commemorate National Technology Awakening Day on 10 August.

This year, SKN was held in collaboration with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Bandung Institute of Technology (FMIPA-ITB), with theme "Increasing the Effectiveness of Military Supervision in the Pandemic Era" and was held online on Wednesday (04/08).

The event began with the report of Head of Center for Regulatory Assessment Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (P2STPFRZR) Taruniyati Handayani as Chairman of the Committee, she said that SKN was part of BAPETEN's mission to socialize nuclear safety and security, especially in nuclear energy supervision. She also added, "There have been selected 65 papers with 36 papers presented orally and 29 papers presented on short presentation".


"We expect a contributions of ideas from participants through a paper that is designed for creative data and innovation in the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic," she continued.

Furthermore, ITB Rector Reini Wirahadikusumah delivered a speech revealed that ITB is a college that is very concerned about the development of nuclear science, so that ITB and BAPETEN can certainly work more closely together. Reini added, this SKN is a proof of cooperation between BAPETEN and ITB and is expected to continue.


SKN 2021 was officially open by Chairman of Bapeten Jazi Eko Istiyanto. He said that all supervision activities by BAPETEN were carried out by considering and adapting the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, through information and communication technology or ICT innovations. "The implementation of this SKN is a form of our commitment in infrastructure innovation during the Covid 19 pandemic, in order to welcome National Technology Awakening Day 2021," he said.


Furthermore, Jazi hopes to get the best solution from the paper presented by the speaker, so that surveillance during the COVID-19 pandemic can still run effectively, so that all nuclear energy utilization can still follow the principles of radiation protection and safety, health and protection for radiation workers, the community, and the environment can be guaranteed.

SKN 2021 also invited Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin as a guest of honour speaker. Budi Gunadi who could not attend the zoom meeting delivered a video. He said that the use of nuclear radiation technology is increasingly used in this pandemic period. Initial and advanced diagnosis with radiological modalities is one of the support of covid-19 examination. "With the increasing use of radiological equipment modalities, the safety and reliability aspects of the tool must be guaranteed. Related to this, the supervision carried out by BAPETEN as a supervisor in the use of ionizing radiation equipment is very important" Budi said in the video.


The event was attended by 350 participants through the zoom application and broadcast live through BAPETEN's Youtube channel was filled with various presentations from selected sources, from ITB and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Zaki Su'ud from ITB presented about contribution of nuclear science and technology during the pandemic, the effect of pandemic on nuclear research or contribution of nuclear science during pandemics and the effect of pandemics on nuclear research. Ronald Pacheco Jimenez as a guest speaker of the IAEA presented the “the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Regulatory Activities for the Safety of Radiation Sources”.

SKN 2021 lasts until the afternoon. There was a parallel session that presented several papers (short presentation) from internal and external BAPETEN. At the end, The Dean of FMIPA ITB Wahyu Srigutomo expressed the highest respect and appreciation for good trust and cooperation in the implementation of SKN 2021. "Thank you for the trust given, hopefully this cooperation continues and the follow-up of this SKN can be implemented properly. And at about 17:00 pm the event was closed by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia C. Sinaga, [BHKK/IP/Bams/OR/RA]

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