2nd Working Meeting of BAPETEN Fiscal Year 2020
Kembali 14 Desember 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN working meeting is an institutional activity program every year conducted. It’s a communication forum facility in the management of institutions in the form of direction and information in terms of policies, programs and activities related to the implementation of the duties and functions. This working meeting evaluates the 2020 activities and the establishment of the implementation plan for 2021, it is expected that participants can know the policy on the issue of supervisory strategy, direction and management plan, programs and annual activities of the institution.

The 2nd working meeting fiscal year 2020 was held for 2 days on 14-15 December 2020 in Jakarta and was officially opened by the Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto through face-to-face with attended by the Senior of Madya, Pratama High and virtually attended by coordinators and sub-coordinators in the Bapeten. The event began with the report which was delivered by the Head of Planning, Information, and Finance Bureau Sugeng Sumbarjo, then continued with the speech and direction from the Chairman of BAPETEN.



In his direction Jazi explained for work unit and institutional activities should still be done not only through zoom but face-to-face so that budget absorption can be more effective. It is necessary to review the activities during the covid-19 pandemic so that in 2021 in carrying out 4 tasks of regulation, inspection, licensing and technical support institutions can be more effective and efficient


imgkontenThe event continued with the submission of ISO 9001:2015 Certificate in the Field of Quality Management System for the work unit of the Directorate of Licensing for Nuclear Installation and Materials for success based on the results of the evaluation of certification bodies on improving the quality of service.


The first day of work meeting, exposure and presentation of each related work unit on Performance Evaluation of Activities in 2020 by Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, followed by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia Cakrawati and the end of the presentation plt.Executive Secretary Indra Gunawan interspersed with discussions in each presentation session.[BHKK/IS/RA/OR]

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