2nd FGD: A Series of Indonesian Diagnostic Guidance Level Determination for Interventional Fluoroscopy and Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine
Kembali 24 Mei 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to determine the Indonesian Diagnostic Reference Level (IDRL) for Interventional Fluoroscopy and Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine, today, Tuesday (24/05), The Centre of Regulatory Assessment of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (P2STPFRZR) – BAPETEN held a second Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The FGD was attended by representatives from the Indonesian Nuclear Medicine Association (PKNI), the Indonesian Association of Clinical Radiology Specialists (PDSRKI), the Indonesian Medical Physicists Alliance (AFISMI), the Indonesian Radiographers Association (PARI), PRTKMN - BRIN, Poltekkes Jakarta, Poltekkes Semarang, and University academics.

The event was opened by the Head of P2STPFRZR represented by Rusmanto. He conveyed the message and hope of the Head of P2STPFRZR that this year the establishment of a national level of diagnostic guidance (TPD) for fluoroscopic modalities and diagnostic nuclear medicine can be realized.



Furthermore, Rusmanto also said that the focus of today's discussion is a follow-up to the results of the first FGD, related to the still diverse terminology of the nomenclature name of the types of examinations / procedures for patient actions using interventional radiological modalities and examinations / procedures in nuclear diagnostic medicine. Through this FGD, it is hoped that it can be approved on the names of types of examinations / procedures on fluoroscopy and nuclear medicine.



The event continued with the presentation of the material "Introduction to the Level of Diagnostic Guidance and TPD Determination Plan" by Endang Kunarsih based on data in Si-INTAN, and the main presentation related to "Types of Examinations / Procedures" delivered by the speakers.

The next presentation was related to "Nomenclature of Examination in Nuclear Medicine" by Kartamihardja, "Types and Descriptions of Examinations in Interventional Radiology" by Samuel Tandionugroho, and continued with a QnA session and discussion by all participants.


The event was closed by Rusmanto who conveyed his conclusions and hoped that the names of different types of examinations could be uniformed, then there was a need for socialization by professional organizations related to the nomenclature of the type of examination, and input on the Si-INTAN application to continue to be developed. [P2STPFRZR/Hermansyah/BHKK/IP]

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