Mapping and Sterilization of the Official Residence and the Palace of the Vice-President of the Republic of Indonesia
25 Februari 2019 | I-Consep
One of the tasks of the BAPETEN function is to ensure that the use of nuclear power must ensure the safety and security of workers, society and the environment. One potential threat that may occur at this time is the threat of terrorism by using radioactive material on national vital ...
IAEA Ready to Assist Indonesia in Developing the Regulatory Development Infrastructure for Power Reactors
19 Februari 2019 | Berita BAPETEN
BAPETEN held a meeting with IAEA experts represented by Mr. Ugur Bezdeguemeli and Mr. Sukho Lee in the context of implementing the Expert Mission to Review Indonesia Regulations regarding the Licensing Process for NPP's, at the BAPETEN Building, in Jakarta, Monday (2/18/2019).
BAPETEN Continues to Improve the Quality of Inspectors
14 Februari 2019 | Berita BAPETEN
The 2019 Nuclear Safety Inspector Coordination Meeting was officially opened by the Head of BAPETEN, Jazi Eko Istiyanto, in Bogor, Thursday (02/14/2019) morning. The 2-day coordination meeting was attended by Deputy for Licensing and Inspection Khoirul Huda, Deputy of Nuclear Safety Assessment Yus Rusdian Akhmad, and Echelon II officials in BAPETEN.
BAPETEN held Dissemination of Science and Technology of Nuclear Power Utilization Monitoring in Indonesia
13 Februari 2019 | Berita BAPETEN
BAPETEN held Dissemination of Science and Technology of Nuclear Power Utilization Monitoring in Indonesia, Tuesday (05/02/2019) morning in Magelang, Central Java. The activity that collaborated between BAPETEN and the House of Representatives of Indonesia (DPR-RI) was opened by the Head of the Public Communication and Protocol BAPETEN, Abdul Qohhar TEP, which ...
Submission of Detail Engineering Experimental Power Reactor Design
30 Januari 2019 | Berita BAPETEN
As a follow up to the issuance of site permits for the construction of Experimental Power Reactors (RDE) by BAPETEN, on Monday 28/01/2019, at Building 80 Puspitek Serpong, the Detail Engineering Design (DED) documents second phase have been submitted by BATAN to BAPETEN.