Webinar on Policies for Supervision of Radiotherapy Facilities and the Development of Latest Radiotherapy Modality and Services
Kembali 01 September 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN held a Webinar on Policies for Supervision of Radiotherapy Facilities and the Development of the Latest Radiotherapy Modality and Services (national and international), with speakers are Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection of BAPETEN Ir. Zainal Arifin, MT. and Chairman of the Indonesian Radiation Oncology Specialist Association (PORI) Prof. Dr. dr. Soehartati Gondhowiardjo (01/09).

The event began with opening and briefing from the Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection of BAPETEN Ir. Zainal Arifin, MT. In his remarks, Zainal hoped that this event could increase knowledge, both for BAPETEN employees and for public. Zainal is very grateful for the time and opportunity from Prof. Tati to provide knowledge about the latest development of modalities, both national and international.


"We hope that participants can gain knowledge about regulatory policies and also the use of radiotherapy. Please the participants who come from BAPETEN, from outside BAPETEN and Dharmawanita, can ask directly to Prof. Tati, who is also a frequent speaker for the IAEA,” said Zainal.

When delivering a presentation about Policy on the Radiotherapy Facility Monitoring, Zainal said that the online system has proven to be more practical, especially in the current conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, there is absolutely no obstacle for BAPETEN in carrying out its duties, especially in licensing services.

In conducting inspections, BAPETEN strictly adheres to the applicable health protocols. The foresight of the inspectors is very important in carrying out inspections in the field.


"There are several things that must be considered by BAPETEN when carrying out inspections. Before inspection, we must monitor the conditions of the spread of covid in the area. Pay attention first, is it safe or not. Likewise, the transportation used must be considered which is truly safe. Coordination with the hospital is very important regarding which paths are allowed and which cannot be passed, so that we can pass the road safely and comfortably. Inspectors, before and after leaving for the inspection must take a rapid test. And last but not least, pray before the inspection is carried out so that you are healthy and smooth in carrying out your duties. Everything is done with the hope that we all stay healthy and that the implementation of our duties will go well, ”said Zainal.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. dr. Soehartati Gondhowiardjo or familiarly called Prof. Tati, delivered a presentation on Development of the Latest Radiotherapy Modalities and Services and its implementation outlining cancer, the development of radiotherapy, the latest radiotherapy services, Quality and Safety Radiotherapy, integrated cancer services. Prof. Tati explained clearly the types of equipment referred to, from conventional to latest, and their distribution in any hospital in Indonesia.


Interesting when Prof. Tati explained about cancer, "No one knows the cause of cancer, no one can know exactly what causes cancer someone has. What factors can be avoided that cause cancer in a person. If we already know the risk factors, we can keep them away, ” He explained.

"However, in general, the cause of cancer is due to the presence of carcinogens, such as chemicals, due to radiation and genetic factors. These carcinogens interfere the cell function, so that cell growth becomes abnormal and grows into cancer,” continued Prof. Tati.


However, Prof. Tati added that 43% of cancer can be prevented by implementing a healthy lifestyle such as avoiding obesity, eating lots of vegetables and fruits, stop smoking, exercise and getting enough rest, avoiding stress, avoiding food flavorings. Prof. Tati abbreviated it with the word of "CERDIK", C for routine health checks, E for getting rid of cigarette smoke, R for diligent of physical activity, D for a balanced diet, I for adequate rest and K for managing stress.


"It is much easier and more efficient to prevent than to treat cancer. Therefore, early examinations such as papsmear or by mammography for breast cancer are also very good for prevention and early detection of cancer, ”said Prof. Tati.

At the end of his presentation, Prof. Tati fully supports the regulations made by BAPETEN and ready with PORI to work together to improve regulations related to the supervision of the use of nuclear power.


More than 100 people participated in this event and came from BAPETEN, BATAN, Hospitals and members of Dharma Wanita. Many questions were asked to the speakers at the Webinar, which was moderated by the Director of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources, Ishak, M.Si, so that it exceeded the set time limit. The Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DPFRZR) as the organizer promised to hold another webinar in the near future. (BHKK / Bams).




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