Training of Nuclear Emergency and Preparedness Response in Bandung Nuclear Area
Kembali 06 Oktober 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Nuclear Emergency and Preparedness (DKKN) of BAPETEN conducted a National Nuclear Emergency and Preparedness Response in Bandung Nuclear Area (KNB) on Thursday, October 6, 2022. This event aims to measure the capabilities of KNB personnel in the event of a nuclear emergency.

This event was a collaboration between BAPETEN's and stakeholders, namely the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), the West Java Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), the Bandung City Fire and Disaster Management Agency (Damkar PB), Unit KBR Brimob Police and Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung.

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In the opening, the Director of DKKN Zulkarnain said the importance of this trial was to determine the capabilities of stakeholders in Bandung in the event of a nuclear emergency. "Do it according to the SOP that usually do, so that we can evaluate any shortcomings to be corrected," he added.

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In this trial, a 5.9 SR earthquake was simulated at a depth of 17.1 km in the city of Bandung. The earthquake resulted in the system in the Triga 2000 reactor being damaged which caused the release of radioactive substances into the surrounding environment.

In addition, the earthquake also caused a fire in the process laboratory. For this reason, assistance from the PB Fire Department is was needed to extinguish the fire in the laboratory.

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After the reactor and fire situation in the laboratory were stabilized, the KBR Brimob Police Unit, BRIN and BAPETEN carried out environmental monitoring by taking soil and air samples from the surrounding environment. (BHKK/DA/CD)

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