Timor Leste Diplomat's Working Visit to Bapeten
Kembali 21 Oktober 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Timor Leste delegation paid a working visit to Bapeten, represented by its diplomats, on Thursday, 20 October 2022, at Building A of the Bapeten office.

The event was opened by the Head of Berau of Legal Affairs, Cooperation and Public Communication Indra Gunawan, in his opening remarks Indra conveyed "Thank you to the Timor Leste Delegation for attending, we in the ASEAN community are of course very happy and ready to share what is needed for the Timor Leste Delegation, related to issues that are in accordance with our duties and authorities as a Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency".

imgkontenimgkontenThe event was attended by 5 (five) representatives of Diplomats from Timor Leste consisting of Martino Da Craz Lopes, Jaquelina H. Assis, Dircea Maria C. M. Pinto, Christiana Gloria, Simao de Jesus Belo, and representatives from the ASEAN Political and Security Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia (Kemenlu) Sana Panggabean and their staffs. The event aimed to provide knowledge to East Timor diplomats on the nuclear issue and its use in Indonesia.

imgkontenimgkontenFurthermore, several presentations with the theme "Bapeten Organization and Work Procedures" were delivered by the Sub-Coordinator of Foreign Cooperation Deni Rahmat Sanjaya, "ASEANTOM Profile" by the Coordinator of Cooperation Indah Anisa, and "Introduction to Nuclear Issues in the Southeast Asia Region" delivered by the Director of Licensing of Nuclear Installation and Materials Budi Rohman.

imgkontenimgkontenAfter the presentation was completed, the activity continued with a QnA session by Timor Leste Diplomats enthusiastically and continued with a visit to the nuclear preparedness and security facility in Bapeten.

imgkontenimgkontenThe event was closed by Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection (PI) Bapeten Zainal Arifin who expressed his gratitude for the visit and hoped that in the future the relationship between Indonesia and Timor Leste would be closer. (BHKK/OR/RA)

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