Technical Guidance on Licensing of the Nuclear Power Sector in the Subsector of Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources for Licensing Officers of DPMPTSP, Health Office, Industry and Trade Office of East Java Province
Kembali 02 September 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to improve licensing services for the utilization of ionizing radiation sources in the field of research and industrial facilities, the Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) of BAPETEN held a "Technical Guidance on Licensing of the Nuclear Power Sector in the Subsector of Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources for Licensing Officers of DPMPTSP, Health Office, Industry and Trade Office of East Java Province," in the city of Surabaya, which was held on September 2, 2024.

The event was opened by the Director of DPFRZR BAPETEN Ishak, who, in his opening remarks, conveyed, "The purpose of implementing the Bimtek is as a means of increasing the knowledge of all DPMPTSP of East Java in serving community licensing related to the utilization of nuclear power."

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The speech was continued by the Secretary of the East Java Province Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Office (DPMPTSP), Ahmad Handoko Hamdani, in his speech conveyed, "Thank you and the highest appreciation to BAPETEN, which has initiated this strategic forum and chosen East Java as one of the locations for its implementation. It is expected that sustainable collaboration will be established and built in providing licensing services in the nuclear energy sector."

Next, a presentation session on "Acceleration of Licensing Services for the Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources (SRP) in East Java" was delivered by the Secretary of the East Java Province Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Office (DPMPTSP), Ahmad Handoko Hamdani.

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Presentation on “Introduction to Risk and Protection in the Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources” by the BAPETEN Radiation Facility Officer Licensing Function Group Activity Manager Ida Bagus Manuaba, presentation on “Introduction to the Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources in the Health, Industry, and Research Sectors” by BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor Henda Yunihartanto, presentation on “Ionizing Radiation Source Utilization Supervision System” by BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor Kristyo Rumboko, and presentation on “Integrated Ionizing Radiation Source Utilization Licensing System OSS-RBA” by BAPETEN Health Facility Licensing Function Group Activity Manager Iin Indartati.

The technical guidance was attended by 71 participants from DPMPTSP Regency/City throughout East Java, Health Office, and Industry and Trade Office of East Java Province. As a form of appreciation for the participation of the most active participants and participants who got the highest and fastest scores in answering post-test questions, DPFRZR gave them prizes/door prizes.

The event was closed by Isaac, who said, “Thank you and the highest appreciation and hope that this activity can help DPMPTSP and BAPETEN to provide better services to the community.” [DPFRZR/Sugiyanto/BHKK/SP/Translator: GP]

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