Technical Guidance on Diagnostic Guidance Level and Si-INTAN Online
Kembali 29 September 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN's Center for Regulatory Assessment of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (P2STPFRZR) again held a Technical Guidance on the Introduction of the Diagnostic Guidance Level (TPD) and the Use of the Si-INTAN Application which was held online on Thursday, September 29, 2022.

This technical guidance was attended by 130 participants from healthcare facilities that have IR Fluoroscopy and Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine modalities. The technical guidance focused on reporting patient dose data and TPD analysis for IR Fluoroscopy and Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine modalities to improve data fulfilment in preparation for determining the value of the National Diagnostic Guideline Level on IR Fluoroscopy and Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine.

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The event was opened by Rusmanto representing BAPETEN’s P2STPFRZR who said that this technical guidance aims to provide information related to the introduction and benefits of TPD and efforts to optimize radiation protection and safety for patients. In addition, this technical guidance also explains how to determine, analyze and follow up on the TPD. "BAPETEN Regulation No. 4/2020 mandates that facilities must report patient dose data to Si-INTAN. So the role of participation from facilities is highly expected as facilities play a role in identifying patient dose data for the needs of the facility itself," he said.

Rusmanto also said that the data submitted is not only useful for facilities, but can also contribute nationally to analyzing the annual dose profile and determining the National TPD level. In 2022, it is planned to determine the TPD level for IR Fluoroscopy and Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine facilities.

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In this technical guidance, the material on the introduction of TPD and Si-INTAN applications was presented by Endang Kunarsih and material on how to use the Si-INTAN application for IR Fluoroscopy Modalities and Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine by Ida Bagus Gede Putra Pratama.

In addition to receiving material from the speakers, participants were guided directly by the BAPETEN’s IDRL Team for direct practice starting from Si-INTAN account registration to inputting/reporting patient dose data into Si-INTAN. Today's technical guidance materials can be accessed via the following link:

Through this activity, it is expected can increase the active participation of health facilities in reporting patient dose data so the data for IDRL determination can also increase. It is expected that awareness to evaluate radiation dose administration to diagnostic and interventional radiology patients and diagnostic nuclear medicine can also increase as mandated in BAPETEN’s Regulation No. 4/2020.

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At the closing of this event, Rusmanto said that the implementation of TPD does not only stop at inputting dose data and obtaining TPD level. More than that, we must be able to apply that value to optimize radiation protection and safety for patients, namely providing the lowest possible dose according to their needs to patients while maintaining the quality of diagnostic images.

BAPETEN is preparing a feedback feature for facilities that have contributed to Si-INTAN. It is expected can be used by the end of this year so that facilities can obtain input information regarding optimization efforts that can be made. Not to forget, Rusmanto also said that in the future the Si-INTAN application will provide regular information regarding the list of health facilities that are actively reporting and striving for good optimization through reducing radiation dose delivery. So, other facilities can be motivated and shared in efforts to improve medical exposure optimization.

Regarding the appreciation of personnel participation, BAPETEN also seeks the provision of professional credit units (SKP) for personnel who actively submit patient dose data reporting through Si-INTAN and propose other appreciation in activities, such as the Si-INTAN Seminar and the BAPETEN Award which will be held regularly every year. (P2STPFRZR/Ida Bagus Gede Putra Pratama/BHKK/Bams/Da/RA)

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