Study of Ramadhan OnLine by The Chairman of BAPETEN: "Formation of Scientific Intellect in the Al-Qur'an"
Kembali 19 Mei 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

The month of Ramadan is a holy and glorious month that has many virtues, so it is a shame if it is not utilized with pious deeds and maximizing worship in order to deliver us into His pious servants. Therefore, in the midst of the pandemic Covid-19 in the condition of BAPETEN's employees being Work from Home (WFH), DKM Al Hidayah BAPETEN's Mosque continued to conduct studies by inviting several lecturers conducted virtually or online.

One of them is the Online Ramadhan Study which was held on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, by inviting the Chairman of BAPETEN, Prof. Dr. Jazi Eko Istiyanto, M.Sc. APU., as a lecturer. Prof. Jazi, so sometimes he is familiarly called, this time took the theme "The Formation of Scientific Intellect in the Al-Qur'an".

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The event was moderated well by Ishak, Director of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DPFRZR), in the afternoon at 16.00 to 17.00 WIB and was followed by participants from internal and outside BAPETEN, using the zoom application.

In the study, Prof. Jazi explained the study which was extracted from a book written by a famous Islamic scholar of this century, Dr. Yusuf Qordhawi whose original title of the book is "Al Aqlu wal‘ Sciences of the Quran Kariim".

Prof. Jazi explained that there were at least 49 verses from 6236 verses of the Al-Qur'an related to the formation of scientific reason and aroused the spirit of thinking. The use of scientific reason or thought process is one from of worship that is encouraged by the Al-Qur'an so that human can carry out its function as khalifah on earth to prosper the earth and utilize all available resources as a form of gratitude for all the blessings given by Allah S.W.T.

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"In contrast to special worship such as prayer and fasting which has been established and in general everyone is able to carry it out, the use of scientific reasoning or thought processes requires certain scientific capacity requirements, facilities and infrastructure, funds, paradigms and new ways of thinking, and innovations including risks work", he said.

Furthermore, Prof. Jazi explained that the use of scientific reason or thought process avoids some of the attitudes that are prohibited by Allah SWT, among others, believe in superstition and khurafat (QS 4:51), and avoid the traps of logical fallacies such as following opinions based on threats and power ( QS 11:92 and QS 21:68), truth is determined by the speaker (not what is said) (QS 11:27), majority opinion must be correct (QS 26: 34-35), opinion of the most correct authority (QS 26:18 and QS 21: 52-53) and when the premise assumes the truth of conclusions (QS 43: 57-58).

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The use of scientific reason or thinking process must be completed and balanced with the dhikr (QS 3: 191) so that the thinking process can take place with a calm heart (QS 13:28) and produce a balance in carrying out the task as a servant of God to always worship only to Him (QS 51:56).

At the end of the description, Prof. Jazi concluded that the decline of science and technology of Muslims was caused by leaving natural tafakur for several centuries. Because it can be said that natural tafakur is a forgotten "worship". Optimization of dhikr and tafakkur can "frighten" the potential of the nation, towards the resilience / sovereignty of science and technology and industry. Science and industry are expressions of gratitude, so they must be encouraged, even within the limitations of laboratories and funding. [BHKK/Bams]




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