Socialization of the Job Creation Law and its Implementing Regulations in the Nuclear Sector
Kembali 19 September 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN’s Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DP2FRZR) held a Socialization of the Job Creation Law and its Implementation in the nuclear sector on Monday, 19 September 2022.

The event was held online and attended by Plt. Director DP2FRZR Aris Sanyoto, Coordinator of the Functional Group for Health, Industry and Research Soegeng Rahadhy, Representative from the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Ichsan Zulkarnaen and 100 business actors in the nuclear sector, professional associations, mass media.


In his remarks, Aris Sanyoto said that "With the passing of Law No. 11/2020 on Job Creation, the nuclear sector needs to pay attention to regulatory adjustments related to regulations governing nuclear activities, including Government Regulation No. 5/2021 on the administration of business licenses, BAPETEN Regulation No. 3/2022 on business activity standards and product standards in the implementation of risk-based business licensing for the nuclear sector and BAPETEN Regulation No. 1/2022 on the management of the implementation of risk-based licensing for the nuclear sector. Currently, business licensing in the Online Single Submission (OSS) system has been integrated with BAPETEN's licensing application system, namely BAPETEN Licensing and Online Inspection System (BALIS Online)."

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"This event aims to disseminate the regulations that have been prepared by BAPETEN in recent years and provide knowledge and understanding to stakeholders so that these regulations can be understood and easy to implement," he added.

Soegeng Rahadhy added, "This event is a form of conveying information about the law and its derivatives to stakeholders."


Ichsan Zulkarnaen conveyed "Government Regulation No. 5/2021 on ease of doing business and a risk-based business licensing approach. In its journey, Government Regulation No. 5/2021 has changed, namely from a regulatory perspective"


The event continued with the presentation of BAPETEN Regulation No. 3/2021 on Standards for Business Activities and Product Standards for the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing in the Nuclear Sector and BAPETEN Regulation No. 1/2022 on Management of Risk-Based Business Licensing for the Nuclear Sector by Madya Radiation Supervisor Anet Hayani.

The discussion and question and answer session closed the event. Participants were very enthusiastic and active. Appreciation was given to the heads of agencies who had assigned participants so they can take part in this event. (BHKK/CD/Da/RA)

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