Socialization of Circular Letter of Menpan RB Number 01 of 2020, In BAPETEN Environment
Kembali 26 November 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

To maintain the integrity and sovereignty of the state is by maintaining and saving authentic archives that concern the proof of the integrity and sovereignty of the state. Therefore, Bapeten in collaboration with the National Archives of Republic Indonesia (ANRI) held a "Socialization of Circular Letter (SE) of the Minister of PAN RB Number 01 of 2020 concerning the Rescue and Preservation of State Archives for the Period 2014-2019".

Initiating the event, The Head Subsection of Archival and Administrative Rinasari reported "this socialization is part of the efforts to save state archives created especially in the BAPETEN environment in 2014-2019, to carry out the mandate of Law No.43 of 2009 related to the rescue and preservation of state archives. Through the submission of static archives of historical value to add to the collective memory of the nation and the destruction of archives that no longer have value in accordance with the provisions of the JRA (Archive Retention Schedule) not to become a burden for the work units. The socialization, held on Thursday, 26 November 2020, was conducted online and was attended by 60 representative participants from the work unit in the BAPETEN environment."


The event was opened by the Head Organization and Development and General Services Bureu represented by Human Resources Coordinator Joni, he said "BAPETEN certainly produces a very important archive for the country. In accordance with the duties and functions of BAPETEN such as issuing nuclear energy utilization permits. Similarly, such as the archives related to safeguard which is a confidential document, because it is dangerous if the document of nuclear material is known by irresponsible people. Perhaps the archive is at a glance trivial but very important. Therefore, we care deeply about archives and preservation and access restrictions. Among the archives created in BAPETEN are vital archives of the Medical Records of Nuclear Energy Surveillance Inspectors that must be kept for 30 years according to JRA retention."


The event continued with the presentation "Socialization of Circular Letter (SE) of the Minister of Administrative And Bureaucratic Reform No. 01 of 2020 on The Rescue and Preservation of State Archives for the period 2014-2019" by the Coordinator of archival implementation of State-Archivist Institutions ANRI Yayan Daryan and "Application of Information System rescue of State Archives (Save) And Scoring Implementation Report SE Menpan 01 Year 2020 In the Bapeten Environment" by Young Archivist-ANRI Stella Sigrid Juliet.

In QnA session, many questions were asked. It began from classification of archives, applications save, how to maintain dynamic archives and shrink archives and destruction of archives that are no longer needed.



All parties related to the creation of archives in Bapeten environment are expected to care about the archives and fully support the implementation program of SE Menpan and RB no.01, 2020, in accordance with their respective duties and functions in the use of dynamic archives in Bapeten environment.[BHKK/SP/RA/OR]




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