Socialization of BAPETEN's Nuclear Supervision in Bogor
Kembali 13 Oktober 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

"The utilization of nuclear power in addition to providing benefits for the welfare of society can also provide a risk of radiation hazards if not managed properly. Therefore, its utilization must be monitored to prevent the impact of radiation on workers, society, and the environment." This was conveyed by the Deputy for Nuclear Safety Assessment of BAPETEN Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga in her remarks at the Nuclear Supervision Socialization event in Bogor, Thursday, October 13, 2022.

The socialization, which was attended by around 100 participants from Bogor and Cianjur, aimed to disseminate information about BAPETEN's function in nuclear supervision to the public.

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Dahlia further explained that supervision is carried out by BAPETEN through the preparation of regulations, licenses, and inspections. Everything is carried out to ensure the fulfilment of safety, security and safeguards requirements.

Dahlia conveyed that BAPETEN is currently in the process of drafting a replacement bill for Law No. 10/1997 on Nuclear, this replacement is important because since it was enacted in 1997, no changes or adjustments have been made to the Nuclear Law until now.

"Meanwhile, during these 20 years, there have been various changes and developments both internationally and nationally. Changes in social conditions and technological developments, especially in the nuclear field, also occurred a lot during that period," she said.

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"It is expected that today's meeting can bring progress for nuclear regulations in the future and become a good opportunity to build this country in a competitive era. The preparation of the replacement RUUK is currently in the process of submitting alignment to BPHN and harmonization to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights for further submission to enter PROLEGNAS," she added.

In this socialization activity, BAPETEN synergized with Member of House of Representatives Commission VII (DPR RI) H. Eddy Soeparno, where BAPETEN is one of Commission VII's working partners in the Government. Through this synergy, it is hoped that a symbiotic mutualism will grow between BAPETEN and DPR RI Commission VII, namely the implementation of program activities in each institution according to what has been programmed.

"We are grateful to be in touch and gather in this place while listening to presentations from BAPETEN about what nuclear is. The topic is rarely discussed but it turns out that nuclear has a lot to do with our daily lives. So far, we have received information that nuclear has a great harm. therefore we will listen to the presentation from BAPETEN later," he said.

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"In Commission VII, one of my duties is related to energy development. So far, we have used electricity from sources that pollute the environment, namely coal which has a high level of pollution. But other energy sources are clean but currently not an option, namely nuclear, because maybe the investment costs are large, and have a risk that is also large so that later one day when the nuclear power plant has been built it must be managed carefully," he added.

Eddy Soeparno revealed that if one day in Indonesia a nuclear power plant will be built, the area must be calculated carefully because Indonesia is an earthquake-prone country. "Currently, the areas that can be developed for the construction of nuclear power plants are in West Kalimantan and Bangka Belitung," he explained.

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"Regarding the revision of Law No. 10/1997 on Nuclear, the DPR RI supports the changes and Commission VII will accelerate the process," he said.

Furthermore, Submission of material on nuclear supervision for safety, security, and safeguards by the Director of Regulation of Nuclear Installations and Materials (DP2IBN) Haendra Subekti, with moderator Nur Syamsi Syam as Coordinator of the Non-Power Reactor Regulatory Function Group.

Haendra explained comprehensively the definition and types of radioactivity, ionizing radiation, nuclear utilization, and why nuclear needs to be supervised.

In this presentation, Haendra underlined that nuclear supervision absolutely must consider risk. Furthermore, the objectives of safety, security, and safeguards must be aligned with the interests of business activities (welfare and economy) and the environment. So that the renewal of Law 10/1997 on Nuclear is very urgent and has the right momentum with the improvement of the Job Creation Law and the New and Renewable Energy.


The socialization participants were very enthusiastic. "We are very grateful to participate in this activity. This activity is very useful to increase our knowledge related to nuclear which turns out to be a lot around us," said one of the participants from Bogor.

"We just found out that there is an institution that oversees nuclear called BAPETEN. So far we only know that nuclear is bombs, like those in Hiroshima and Nagasaki," said one of the other participants.

At the end of the event, Dahlia thanked the participants for their enthusiasm. "Thank you, it was a surprise for us, the questions asked were very good, and this will be material for us at BAPETEN, including questions related to TV and cell phone radiation earlier, which can also be a study material for us, once again thank you for your presence and attention, see you on another occasion," said Dahlia closing the event. [BHKK/Bams/Da/RA].

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