Signing of BAPETEN Cooperation Agreement with FMIPA - University of Indonesia (UI)
Kembali 20 Oktober 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto witnessed the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between BAPETEN and FMIPA-UI as part of nuclear safety seminars in 2020, Tuesday (20/9).

In the signing of this PKS, Bapeten was represented by Director Center of Nuclear and Installation Material (NIM) Regulatory Assessment (P2STPIBN)Yudi Pramono, and from UI by RokhmatulohDean of FMIPA-UI.


Jazi said that cooperation between BAPETEN and UI has been established, as forms of implementation of Law No. 10 on NuclearIty. And now, the cooperation is re-realized in the form of PKS signatories in preparation for the Nuclear Safety Seminar (SKN).

"The implementation of SKN is one of the implementation on the role of BAPETEN experts who from year to year absorb many participants, it is expected that various parties including the public are aware of the development of nuclear energy utilization supervision policy in Indonesia" he said.


Jazi added that cooperation in SKN between BAPETEN and UI is very appreciated. "BAPETEN's cooperation with UI has a very important role in terms of knowledge and technology development and human resources provision" he said

Furthermore, Jazi hopes this SKN, that hold virtually, will be an event for the improvement and development of science and technology, especially in the field of supervision of the utilization of nuclear energy.


"Hopefully the SKN will successfully, smoothly, and the discussion process will be productive, producing conclusions that benefit the wider community" Jazi said.

Meanwhile, Rokhmatuloh revealed that PKS will be a joint frame for UI and BAPETEN in carrying out SKN 2020 next week. "We hope that this SKN activity will be successful and smooth, and at SKN we will tell you that the Rector of UI will be present" he said


Furthermore, "We are grateful to BAPETEN who have been pleased together with UI to organize SKN next week, hopefully SKN activities will run successfullyā€¯

In addition to SKN 2020 activities, UI hopes that there will be a next PKS for other activities with the aim of improving human resources competencies in UI and BAPETEN.


After the signing of the PKS, Jazi gave a public lecture online at the MIPATalk Series 15 and taking the theme of Monitoring Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources during the Covid-19 Industrial Pandemic 4.0, which was attended by hundreds participants from Civitas Academika UI and several other institutions.(BHKK/Bams/RA/OR).





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