Safeguards Inspection And Annual Safeguards Review Meeting With IAEA Inspectors
Kembali 23 Juni 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

As one of Indonesia's commitments to the use of nuclear materials for peaceful purposes, Indonesia must be ready to accept inspections carried out by IAEA inspectors for several facilities, both through Physical Inspection Verification (PIV) and Complementary Access (CA). The inspection activities carried out by the IAEA are in accordance with the State Level Approach (SLA) to member countries including Indonesia which has been implemented since 2016.

In 2022, IAEA inspectors carry out activities starting with the implementation of CA at PT. Timah (Persero) Tbk Metallurgical units Muntok and Tanjung Ular, PIV inspections to several Material Balance Areas (MBA), namely MBA RI-C (PRSG and PT. INUKI Building 10), MBA RI-G (PTLR) and MBA RI-F ( IRM-IBBN) which will be held from 20 to 23 June 2022.

1.CA at PT Timah (Persero), Tbk.

Background of CA Implementation at PT. Timah (Persero) Tbk is the regulation and supervision of source materials as stated in the Safeguards agreement and Additional Protocol. The IAEA also carries out leveraging activities in the Rare Earth Metal Processing Pilot Project to ensure that these activities are not aimed at processing U/Th into nuclear fuel.

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2. Inspection of PIV MBA RI-C

The PIV MBA RI-G inspection is carried out by the IAEA once a year to check the nuclear material accounting and data observation of the IAEA's equipment installed in the reactor hall.

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3. Inspection of PIV MBA RI-G

In accordance with the number of SLA assessments taking into account the fission products produced from the reactor and stored by the RI-G MBA, since 2016 the IAEA has carried out PIV inspections to the RI-G MBA once a year.

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4. Inspection of PIV MBA RI-F

Inspection to the RI-F MBA by the IAEA is carried out 1 time in 4 years, where the last inspection to the RI-F MBA was carried out by the IAEA in 2018.

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5. Safeguards Annual Review Meeting 2022

As a closing of the series of activities carried out by the IAEA, on 24 June 24, 2022 a Safeguards Annual Review Meeting was held which discussed important issues, problems in the implementation of Safeguards and coordination between nuclear materials administrators in the Material Balance Area (MBA).

The meeting was opened by the Deputy for Licensing and Inspection, Zainal Arifin and attended by several stakeholders, including the Director of Higher Education and Science and Technology - BAPPENAS, representatives from the Directorate of Nuclear Facility Management (DPFK) - BRIN along with supervisors and administrators of nuclear materials, representatives from Research Organization - BRIN, PT. Thorcon Power Indonesia.

In his speech, Zainal conveyed Indonesia's commitment, especially BAPETEN, to the implementation of the safeguards agreement and additional protocols including readiness to accept the conduct of in-field verification and monitoring activities by the IAEA Inspector. BAPETEN also continues to implement 3S (Safety, Security and Safeguards) synergies in the scope of monitoring the use of nuclear power.

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In this meeting, the IAEA delivered a conclusion through the Safeguards Implementation Report (SIR) for the implementation of the Safeguards in 2021, namely "There is no indication of misuse of nuclear materials that have been declared from nuclear activities for peaceful purposes and there is no indication of nuclear materials and activities related to the nuclear fuel cycle. undeclared".

Apart from that, the IAEA also conveyed changes to the SLA assessment for Indonesia which will take effect on inspections in 2022. From this regular meeting, it is hoped that the implementation of safeguards in Indonesia can continue to be improved. (DIIBN/Deshinta/BHKK/Bams).

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