Radiotherapy Permit Verification at RSPAU. Dr. S. Hardjolukito and Pelamonia Tk. II Hospital
Kembali 04 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN’s Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances (DPFRZR) conducted onsite Radiotherapy Operation Permit Verification activities at RSPAU Dr. S. Hardjolukito Yogyakarta City and TK. II Pelamonia Makassar City which was carried out in parallel on November 1-4, 2022, after previously preceded by Online Verification activities of administrative requirements on October 31, 2022.

This verification is the main requirement for the issuance of a permit which aims to ensure that the facility, radiotherapy equipment, supporting equipment, human resources, and procedures meet radiation safety requirements for the safety of workers, patients, the community and the environment.

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The Inspection Team that conducted verification at RSPAU Dr. S. Harjolukito was led by DPFRZR Director Ishak with members Yaya Umaya and Dewi Lelyana Maharani. While the Inspection Team conducted verification at TK. II Pelamonia was led by Health Facility Licensing Group Coordinator Iin Indartati with members Ahmad Maulana and Herry Irawan, both for the Truebeam type Linac Variant Radiotherapy aircraft modality.

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In addition, in the context of implementing Integrated Monitoring and Controlling the Implementation of Development Programs in the Field of Higher Education and Science and Technology, the BAPETEN Inspection Team is carrying out Licensing Verification at TK. II Pelamonia Hospital in Makassar received assistance from the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) along with the BAPETEN's Head of Bureau of Planning, Information and Finance.

The scope of the onsite inspection includes the suitability of the design of the built facilities and the sufficient thickness of the radiation barrier in the radiotherapy bunker, ensuring the performance of the main equipment and supporting equipment, measuring radiation exposure and dosimetry testing and ensuring patient flow and the ability of personnel to operate the Linac aircraft according to safety standards.

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From the results of the verification of the radiotherapy operating permit, the Hospital is committed to completing the findings submitted by the BAPETEN team within a certain time limit. The existence of deficiencies is considered as input and technical advice on the fulfillment of radiation safety by applicable regulations and standards.

With the availability of advanced radiotherapy equipment, the Hospital is expected to be a reference in providing the best service for the entire community. [DPFRZR/Dwiang/BHKK/Bams/Da/RA]

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