Radiation Safety Inspection At Jih Hospital Radiotherapy Facility Yogyakarta
Kembali 11 Desember 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN conducts radiation safety inspections on the type of Operation for Use in Radiotherapy using Linear Accelerator Ionizing Radiation Plant which has been operated at JIH Hospital Yogyakarta since the beginning of 2020.

This inspection was led directly by the Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto accompanied by Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, Plt. Executive Secretary Indra Gunawan and The Inspector Team (10/12).


At the initial meeting (entry meeting), the Chairman of BAPETEN said "the implementation of this inspection was carried out by applying the Covid-19 health protocol strictly. And some things related to surveillance, especially the use of radiotherapy that uses high technology. This supervision aims to ensure that the operation of radiotherapy facilities should always pay attention to the principles of radiation protection for radiation safety in facilities and society in general."


Zainal said "currently hospitals in Indonesia have 53 Linear Accelerator Ionizing Radiation Plants spread across several Government hospitals and Private hostpitals. Quality assurance and compliance of personnel in carrying out Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in the use of radiotherapy is very important to be carried out by the hospital."


After the entry meeting, Inspection Team reviewed the Linac room and saw the condition of Linac's aircraft and its support used for the therapy of cancer patients. During the visit in Linac's room, the hospital explained about the operation of Linac aircraft and its support. The Inspector's team also measures radiation exposure around the room to ensure a safe level of radiation exposure for personnel and the public.


At the closing meeting (exit meeting), Zainal conveyed several things related to the results of inspections that have been conducted and submitted the results of inspection assessments in the form of stickers of safety and security index assessment results. it is expected that the hospital will continue to improve the standard of service and operation of the facility, so that the use of radiotherapy in JIH Hospital can always be safe and safe to use.[DIFRZR/Roy Chandra/BHKK/SP/RA/OR]

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