Public Consultation with Stakeholders in the Framework of Drafting Bapeten’s Regulations for Quality Control of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology X-Ray Aircraft
Kembali 06 Oktober 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

In the framework of preparing the Chairman Regulation’s Draft for the change of Chairman Regulation Number 2 of 2018 concerning the Conformity Test of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology X-Ray Aircraft, the Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DP2FRZR) held a Public Consultation (KP) activity with stakeholders in Bandung, Java West on October 6, 2022. The event was held in a hybrid manner, attended by 28 offline participants and 61 online participants.

The stakeholders consist of the Hospital as the user of the X-ray aircraft and the Conformity Testing Institute (LUK) which carries out the testing of the X-ray aircraft. The event was opened by the Coordinator of the Health, Industry and Research Regulatory Function Group, Soegeng Rahadhy. Through this activity, there will be a lot of input from stakeholders so that the regulations that will be made can be implemented with a more transparent, accountable and regulation products will be more effective and harmonious.


The event continued with a presentation with the theme "Development and Improvement of the Effectiveness of Legislation in the Field of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials" by Soegeng Rahadhy regarding improving the quality of regulations, strategies and challenges in the development of nuclear technology safety standards, followed by "Substance of the Draft BAPETEN Regulation on Quality Control Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology X-Ray Plane” by Dyah Palupi, with a moderator at the discussion and question and answer session by Anet Hayani, Intermediate Radiation Supervisor.


Different from Bapeten Regulation 2 of 2018 which contains many elements of appointment, the Raperba on Quality Control of Radiological and Interventional Aircraft X-Rays further strengthens the role of medical physicists in the implementation of internal quality control that can be carried out independently in facilities and the role of hospitals in the implementation of conformity tests.


Stakeholders welcome the proposal for internal quality control in the Chairman Regulation’s draft (Raperba). The Raperba will contain quality control test parameters that can be applied starting from the primary level of radiology services to the advanced level. Responses and inputs from stakeholders such as the adequacy of medical physicists personnel, measuring tools that needed; but are not expected to burden hospitals/health agencies and test parameters that are capable of being applied. [DP2FRZR/Eni/BHKK/OR/RA]

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