Public Consultation for the Preparation of the Urgency Draft BAPETEN Regulation concerning the Master Plan for the Development of Indonesian National Work Competency Standards in the Nuclear Sector
Kembali 09 September 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DP2FRZR) of BAPETEN held a public consultation, in order to prepare an urgency paper for the draft BAPETEN regulation on the Master Plan for the Development of Indonesian National Competency Standards (SKKNI) for the Nuclear Sector. This activity was carried out in order to realize the principle of information disclosure in the process of drafting laws and regulations, as well as a medium for gathering input from stakeholders.

The Public Consultation was opened by the Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment BAPETEN Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga, in her opening said "based on Law Number 10 of 1997 Article 19, that every officer operating a nuclear reactor and certain officers in other nuclear installations, and in installations that utilize sources must have a license."

"Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of workers and the environment, workers need to have nationally standardized competencies. Currently, national competency standards for the nuclear sector are not yet available, so this activity will be a major activity that must be carried out by BAPETEN in coordination with the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower and related agencies / institutions." He added.

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The event continued with a presentation on "The Urgency of Preparing Indonesian National Competency Standards for the Nuclear Sector" by Plt. Director of DP2FRZR BAPETEN Aris Sanyoto, presentation on "Strategy for the Development of the Indonesian National Competency Standardization System" by the Young Policy Analyst for Competency Standards Development of the Directorate General of Vocational Training and Productivity of the Ministry of Manpower by Muhammad Irsyaduddin, presentation on "Urgency of Preparing a Master Plan for the Development of Indonesian National Competency Standards for the Nuclear Sector" by BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor I Made Ardana.

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The Public Consultation held in a hybrid manner on September 7, 2022, in Yogyakarta, invited 25 stakeholders attended offline and 120 agencies attended online. Among them are BRIN, professional associations, universities, industrial practices, industry practitioners, medical practitioners and distributors, exports and imports. use of ionizing radiation sources for well logging, related ministries and agencies, academia, client companies and professional associations.


In the discussion session, participants provided input and responses to the SKKNI preparation process for the nuclear sector. In general, the participants supported the SKKNI preparation program so that each particular officer could have specific competencies according to their field and national standards.

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The series of public consultations continued with a visit to the Professional Certification Institute (LSP) UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, which is a P1 professional certification institution. Later, graduates from UPN Veteran Yogyakarta who already have internship experience (practical work) will be equipped with a diploma and also SKPI (certificate accompanying diploma). In the preparation of SKKNI for nuclear sector, BAPETEN needs to coordinate with LSP in terms of competency preparation practices for workers. [Asiah Hasanah/DP2FRZR/BHKK/SP]

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