Preparation of Standard Operating Procedure for Physical Protection October 25, 2022
Kembali 25 Oktober 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN as the Nuclear Power Supervisory Agency in Indonesia has the task and function for ensuring nuclear utilization is only for peaceful purposes and ensuring the protection of nuclear materials and installations in Indonesia by applicable international standards. To achieve these objectives, the Directorate of Inspection of Nuclear Installations and Materials (DIIBN), especially the Safeguards Inspection function group, needs to continue to develop technical guidelines in the context of SPF inspections for nuclear facilities that have been built and those planned for be built in Indonesia.

Indonesia has signed and ratified the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM) through Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No. 49/1986 and ratified the Amendment to the Convention through Regulation PP No. 46/2009. CPPNM is the only legally binding international convention in the field of physical protection of nuclear materials. In the convention and its amendments, it is mandated that each member state protect nuclear materials during domestic use, storage, and transportation and protect nuclear facilities.

The technical guidelines developed in 2022 were procedures for SPF inspection of nuclear facilities in the construction stage of Small Modular Reactor (SMR) and Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) nuclear power plants. The preparation of this procedure is in line with the plan to build SMR and MSR nuclear power plants by several vendors who have made initial communications to BAPETEN. The issuance of the Job Creation Law No. 11/2020, it opens up investment opportunities for the construction of nuclear power plants by any party, especially non-governmental ones, to create more jobs, provide ease of doing business and accelerate economic growth. The-MSR type nuclear power plant that is planned to be built in Indonesia is a floating nuclear power plant that is moored on land (mounted) or located offshore. To explore information related to security at sea and coast, DIIBN invited speakers from the Indonesian Maritime Security Agency (BAKAMLA) and the Police Water and Air Unit (POLAIRUD) to the Auditorium of the BAPETEN Building (25/10/2022).

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DIIBN Director Lukman Hakim conveyed Indonesia's commitment as a CPPNM signatory country to safeguard nuclear materials from theft and sabotage of nuclear facilities. In addition to thanking the speakers for providing security information and security standards in Indonesian waters, Lukman also hopes that this coordination meeting can form a good network of coordination and collaboration in the context of securing floating PTLN.


From this coordination activity, some useful information has been obtained for BAPETEN, especially DIIBN in terms of water area security standards and will later become a reference in the preparation of SPF inspection procedures for floating nuclear power plants. (DIIBN/Deshinta Indirani/BHKK/CD/Da/RA)

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