Oath Inauguration / Promises of Administrators, Specific Functional Officers and Civil Servants
Kembali 03 Februari 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

The Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto, inaugurated and took an oath of Administrator Officers, Functional Officers and Civil Servants in BAPETEN, in the auditorium, Monday morning (03/02/2020).

The inauguration was witnessed by the Deputy Chairman for Administrator Hendriyanto Hadi Tjahyono, The Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Khoirul Huda, The Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Yus Rusdian Akhmad, as well as BAPETEN’s Primary Officials.

In his remarks, Jazi advised, especially to new civil servants, so that they would always be adaptive of civil servants, be able to keep abreast of developments, be prepared to face various trials, and also be able to do a good job in limited time and limited resources.

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Added by Jazi "when becoming a civil servant must be intended to be a life choice, not because there are no other jobs, so the work will be serious" he said.

To support the industrial era 4.0, Jazi expects the Head of the General and Organizational Bureaus and the Head of the Planning, Finance and Information Bureau to be able to design the upcoming inauguration using the iPad or gadget of each employee so that the signing can be done electronically.

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Officials inaugurated today include 1 Administrative Officer for the position of The Head of Legal Affair Section in Legal Affairs, Cooperation and Public Communication Bureau on behalf of Mira Wahyu Nugraheni R P, SH., M. Hum., 9 Radiation Supervisory Functional Officers and 25 Civil Servants. (bhkk / bsb / ipd)




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