National Diagnostic Reference Review Finalization Meeting 2020
Kembali 08 Desember 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

Tuesday (8/12/2020) The Center of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources Regulatory Assessment (P2STPFRZR) held a finalization meeting (Rafin) for the national Review Diagnostic Reference Level (DRL). The event held online followed by 27 participants from all surveillance work units opened by Taruniyati Handayani as Head of P2STPFRZR, she said the finalization meeting is an activity to report the results of the national DRL review that has been conducted in 2020. The issuance of Bapeten’s Chairman Regulation (Perba) No.4 Year 2020 related to radiation safety in the use of diagnostic and interventional radiology then officially the preparation of DRL becomes mandatory, because in Perba there is an obligation for license holders of diagnostic and interventional radiology facilities to report patient dosage data, she added.

The event continued with the presentation results of the National DRL Review by Sudradjat and Rusmanto as moderator. Some of the things presented include related background and legal basis for the preparation of the DRL Review. In accordance with PP No.33 of 2007 and BSS IAEA namely GSR Part 3 of 2014, it is stated that DRL must be determined by every IAEA member state including Indonesia based on BSS 115 document to GSR Part 3.


The presentation is continued by the number of hospitals that have been registered in si-INTAN application, namely the percentage of patient dose data survey, ct scan modality patient dose data, Fluoroscopy, General Radiography, and Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine. In addition, KADORISKA application is also delivered for effective dose analysis and cancer risk analysis and this application is useful as a medium of education for patients, patients' families, and the general public. At the end of the presentation, several development plans related to Si-INTAN application in the future, especially in 2021.


The event ended with a discussion and QnA session with all participants to get input and responses in order to improve the results of the DRL review. The finalization meeting was closed by Taruniyati Handayani who expressed his gratitude for the response and input submitted at this time, she said.[P2STPFRZR/sudrajat/BHKK/IS/RA/OR]


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