Initial Environmental Baseline Mapping of Prospective Nuclear Power Plant Sites in West Kalimantan
Kembali 24 Oktober 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Inspection of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DIIBN), Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), conducted an Initial Environmental Baseline Mapping of Prospective Nuclear Power Plant Sites in Gosong Beach, West Kalimantan, on October 22-24, 2024. This activity was carried out with the aim of taking environmental samples and obtaining baseline data on background radiation exposure at the prospective nuclear power plant site.

DIIBN Director Lukman Hakim said that this activity was carried out to find initial data on radiation exposure around Gosong Beach. "We monitor up to a radius of 1 km and 2 km around Gosong Beach," he added.

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In addition to taking radiation exposure data around Gosong Beach, the BAPETEN Team also took soil and water samples as supporting data using the grid method via the Google Maps platform. Later, the soil and water samples that have been taken will be sent to an accredited environmental radioactivity analysis laboratory for further research.

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In this activity, BAPETEN collaborated with Tanjungpura University Laboratory Assistant, Mr. Faurizal, and Lecturer of Pontianak State Polytechnic, Mr. Risko, and involved two local residents and the Binmas Polsek (community development unit assigned at the police sector level) Sungai Raya Kepulauan in conducting a baseline survey to penetrate the forest and oil palm plantations around Gosong Beach. By involving local elements, it is hoped that it can help in reaching the spatial coordinates that are the target in collecting exposure data and environmental radioactivity level data.

This initial environmental baseline mapping activity is needed to determine the initial environmental conditions before the nuclear facility is built and will be evaluated when the facility is operational. The environmental components that are affected need to be collected data, including geophysical-chemical, biological, socio-economic-cultural, and public health components.

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It is intended that this activity can provide benefits for BAPETEN as a supervisory body in order to supervise the planned construction of a nuclear power plant in West Kalimantan. [BHKK/Da/Translator: GP]

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