Implementation of the Nominee Picking Test by the Ministry of Investment/BKPM at BAPETEN in 2022
Kembali 06 September 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Ministry of Investment/Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) visited BAPETEN for the Nominee Picking Test activity in the context of the Performance Assessment for the Acceleration of Business Implementation (PPB) BAPETEN in 2022. Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN, Sugeng Sumbarjo welcomed the arrival of the team from BKPM at the meeting which was also attended by Deputy Chairman for Public Services of the Ministry of Empowerment of the State Apparatus for Bureaucratic Reform Diah Natalisa, Special Staff for Relations with Regions-Ministry of Investment/BKPM Tina Talisa, Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection BAPETEN Zainal Arifin, Director of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DPFRZR) Ishak and the Picking Test Assessment team.

The event was opened by the Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN who said that this picking test was an opportunity to show the innovation owned by BAPETEN. "Whether it's in the field of licensing, inspection, or the technology and information systems that we have," he added.




Ishak added that the Implementation of risk-based business licensing (Risk Based Approach) aims to improve the investment ecosystem and business activities through the implementation of business license issuance more effectively and simply, transparent, structured and accountable supervision of business activities in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

Electronically Integrated Business Licensing or Online Single Submission (OSS) is a business license issued by the OSS Institution for and on behalf of ministers, leaders, institutions, governors, or regents/mayors to business owners through an integrated electronic system. This service system was developed by BKPM to speed up the management of business permits.




After the opening session, the series of nominee testing activities for ministries/institutions was followed by an interview session between the BKPM picking test team and the PPB implementation team at BAPETEN. Furthermore, the BPKM Team directly reviewed the facilities and infrastructure used for the implementation of PPB at BAPETEN, including the Nuclear Preparedness Building and Public Service Unit. The last is to conduct interviews with business owners.


This picking test activity is also expected to motivate BAPETEN in improving the quality of public services and providing better supporting facilities and infrastructure. [BHKK/OR/RA]

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