Implementation of Technical Guidance for the Implementation of the 2nd Session of the SRIKANDI Application as Support for Preparation for the Acceleration of SPBE Implementation
Kembali 23 Juni 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The BAPETEN General and Organizational Bureau held the 2nd session of Technical Guidance on the Application of the Integrated Dynamic Archival Information System Application (Penerapan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Kearsipan Dinamis Terintegrasi-SRIKANDI). The event, which was held on Thursday, 23 June, 2022, was attended by representatives from the Planning, Information and Finance Bureau, Organizational Functional Groups and Administration as well as Leaders and Archives and Archive Managers in the Protocol and Administration Section, inviting 2 speakers from Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia (ANRI).

The event was opened by the Head of the Organization and General Bureau represented by the Head of Protocol and Administration of BAPETEN Kuspriyanto, in opening remarks he said "The implementation of the SRIKANDI Application is a follow-up to the recommendations for archival supervision at BAPETEN in 2021. With this activity, it is hoped that BAPETEN can implement the application The SRIKANDI application is supported by adequate HR competencies, and can increase the value of archival supervision in 2022.”


The presentation of the Policy in the Implementation of the SRIKANDI Application was delivered by a speaker from ANRI, Arsiparis Madya Sriyanto who said that the application of the SRIKANDI Application was in order to support the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) to realize clean, effective, transparent, and accountable governance as well as public services that qualified and reliable.

Then continued with the practice of implementing the SRIKANDI application by ANRI Arsiparis Muda Azwar Sanusi Pane. The stages of developing the SRIKANDI application start from August - October 2020 using version 1, and development is carried out in order to increase the reliability and capacity of the SRIKANDI application in January - October 2021 to version 2. BAPETEN uses a training account on the website Trial and training were conducted to fill in the configuration of work units, positions at Echelon I and Echelon II, as well as personal data from each employee at BAPETEN.


The implementation of the SRIKANDI Application will be carried out in stages by synchronizing the organizational structure according to SOTK, Archive Classification, Dynamic Archive Security and Access Classification System (SKKAAD) and Archive Retention Schedule (JRA) in BAPETEN. With the implementation of the SRIKANDI application, it is hoped that the realization of better governance, more qualified and reliable public services, and can increase the value of archival supervision in order to increase the BAPETEN bureaucratic reform assessment index. [BUO/ Rizki Parhani/BHKK/SP]

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