Focus Group Discussion on I-DRL Determination
Kembali 08 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Head of Centre for Regulatory Assessment of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (P2STPFRZR) BAPETEN held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in order to determine the value of the Indonesian Diagnostic Reference Level (I-DRL) or National Diagnostic Guide Level (TPD), in Indonesia.

The meeting, which was held online on Monday, 7 November 2022, is the 3rd FGD in the framework of determining the I-DRL for interventional fluoroscopy modalities and diagnostic nuclear medicine, which will be determined on 30 November 2022.

The event was opened by the Head of P2STPFRZR BAPETEN Taruniyati Handayani. In her opening remarks said "This year, BAPETEN plans to establish the value of I-DRL for interventional fluoroscopy modalities and diagnostic nuclear medicine. After in 2021, set the I-DRL value for CT Scan and General Radiography modalities. It is expected that from the results of today's FGD, a mutual agreement will be obtained regarding the value of the I-DRL which will be determined and inaugurated on 30 November 2022.

The FGD was followed by an introductory presentation related to "Determination of I-DRL Value for Interventional Fluoroscopy Modalities and Diagnostic Nuclear Medicineā€ by BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor Endang Kunarsih. This activity was carried out to obtain advice related to the results of DRL value analysis from patient dose data reported by health facilities in BAPETEN through the Patient Dose Data Information System (Si-INTAN) application.

imgkontenThe event was attended by representatives from BAPETEN stakeholders consisting of Professional Associations, including PDSRI, PKNI, AFISMI, and PARI, representatives of academics such as UI, UNDIP, Poltekes Kemenkes Jakarta II and Poltekes Semarang and representatives from PTKMRMN BRIN.

The FGD, guided by BAPETEN Health Assessment Coordinator Rusmanto, was followed by discussion and submission of suggestions and input from interested parties present regarding the values proposed by the I-DRL Team. From this FGD, it was concluded that all proposed I-DRL values can be agreed upon by FGD participants so that it can be inaugurated on 30 November 2022. [P2STPFRZR/Ida Bagus Gede Putra Pratama/BHKK/SP/OR/RA]

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