Finalization Meeting of Technical Guidelines for Patient Release in Nuclear Medicine
Kembali 10 Desember 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

Starting from the many uniformity conducted by nuclear medicine facilities in determining patient release criteria, measuring the rate of radiation exposure from patients, post-release patient guidance, in 2020 Center of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources Regulatory Assessment (P2STPFRZR) conducted the preparation of Patient Release guidelines in Nuclear Medicine. This guideline is expected to guide users in conducting comprehensive and applied patient releases, so that the practice of applying patient release can be more optimal and able to guarantee that radiation risk to society and the environment due to the impact of radiation exposure or contamination derived from nuclear medicine patients who have been discharged from the hospital can be minimized.

In preparing these guidelines, the team explored information related to patient release through various regulations or guidelines that have been issued by the IAEA and other countries, in addition to ensuring that these guidelines will be able to absorb and enrich the contents of the guidelines, the team conducted Focus Group Discussions (FGD) with various hospitals that conduct nuclear medicine practices in Indonesia. In the FGD implemented, the team received a lot of input from the diversity of criteria applied by various hospitals in releasing their patients. From all references and experiences summarized from various FGD, the team was finally able to complete the preparation of guidelines related to the release of nuclear medicine patients. And on Thursday, 10 December 2020, a meeting was held to finalize the guidelines activities to explain the achievements that have been done by the team and ask for input from representatives of other technical units before the guidelines are released to the general public.


As the beginning of the activity, the finalization meeting was opened by Taruniyati Handayani Head of P2STPFRZR who explained about the achievements that have been done by the P2STPFRZR work unit and continued with the direction by Dahlia C.Sinaga Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment (PKN) on the importance of this guideline as a derivative of the Bapeten’s Chairman Regulation No. 17 of 2012 on Radiation Safety in Nuclear Medicine. Material exposure was conducted by Endang Kunarsih as Activity Coordinator of the preparation of guidelines that describe the background, objectives, targets, release criteria, release procedures, release provisions of nuclear medicine patients.


In the discussion and QnA conducted at the end of this meeting session, the team received a lot of input from various representatives of the technical work unit and direction from the leadership that will be used to improve the guidelines for the release of nuclear medicine patients. In closing, Taruniyati expressed her gratitude to various parties who have provided input, both from internal Bapeten and hospital stakeholders who have shared their experiences in determining patient release in hospitals. (P2STPFRZR/Hermansyah/BHKK/RA/OR)


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