Finalization Meeting of The Study Multilevel Approaches for Personnel Monitoring on Diagnotic and Interventional Radiology
Kembali 07 Desember 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

Center of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources Regulatory Assessment (P2STPFRZR) on Monday, 7 December 2020 held a finalization meeting (Rafin) of the Study of The Multilevel Approach of Monitoring Radiation Workers' Doses in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology. This rafin event invited all supervisory work units and technical work units in BAPETEN and was attended online by 26 participants.

The opening was conducted by Taruniyati Handayani Head of P2STPFRZR who said that, this finalization meeting is an activity to report the results of studies that have been conducted for 1 year. Furthermore, the direction from Dahlia C.Sinaga as Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment (PKN) conveyed that monitoring workers’ doseis one of the things that must be considered in accordance with Government Regulation (PP) No.33 year 2007. It is also stated that in PP No.33 year 2007 there is no time span needed in monitoring the dose of radiation workers, so it needs to be looked at again related to the multilevel approach in monitoring the dose of radiation workers. In addition, in conducting a dose monitoring review of radiation workers is expected to be conducted based on the potential and activities carried out. This multilevel approach study was also conducted based on the findings and recommendations of the IRRS Mission. It is also expected that the preparation of this study will assist in the preparation of regulations related to monitoring the dose of radiation workers.


The main event of this finalization meeting was the presentation of the results from the Study Multilevel Approach of Monitoring Radiation Workers' Doses in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology delivered by Titik Kartika. Exposure begins with the background and legal basis for monitoring the dose of radiation workers. Then also presented several IAEA documents that intersect with monitoring the dose of radiation workers starting from IAEA GSR Part 3 in 2014, IAEA GSG 7 year 2018 and also submitted the results of surveys conducted by the review team to permit holders, especially in the field of diagnostic and interventional radiology


After the session, discussions and Q&A were conducted to get input and responses from all participants to improve the results of the study. Discussions took place with the active participation of participants.


The finalization meeting was closed by Taruniyati Handayani who expressed her gratitude for the response and input submitted at this rafin.(P2STPFRZR/Sudrajat/BHKK/RA/OR)

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