Field Verification of the Atro Citra Bangsa Nuclear Training Institute, Yogyakarta
Kembali 23 Agustus 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency of BAPETEN conducted a Field Verification of the Citra Bangsa Radiodiagnostic and Radiotherapy Technical Academy Yogyakarta on August 22 to 23, 2022.

Field Verification is a stage of the Training Institution appointment process in accordance with BAPETEN Regulation No. 3 of 2021 concerning Business Activity concerning Standards for Business Activities and Product in the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing in the Nuclear Sector.

The appointment process of the ATRO Citra Bangsa nuclear training institute is one of the results of the exploration of prospective nuclear training institutes that have been carried out by BAPETEN in this case the Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency of BAPETEN (DKKN) in March 2022 where BAPETEN through DKKN mapped universities that have the potential to become nuclear training institutes.


The stages passed by ATRO Citra Bangsa were faster than expected due to the seriousness and speed of follow-up from ATRO Citra Bangsa itself. They successfully going through the process of issuing NIB through OSS RBA, evaluating the completeness of application documents, the auditing document adequacy process and arriving at the field verification process where BAPETEN carried out an assessment of the conformity between the requirements submitted and the actual field conditions.

The field verification team chaired by Rini Suryanti with members Deddy Rusdiana and Irma Septi Ardiani verified the management system documents, Human Resources especially teachers, Facilities and Infrastructure owned by ATRO Citra Bangsa as well as a detailed review of the suitability of the Curriculum, Syllabus, and Modules.

At the end of the verification activity, BAPETEN submitted the Minutes of Field Verification Examination. It contained the results of verification and contain matters that must be corrected in fulfilling the requirements of ATRO Citra Bangsa. The Minutes of Verification was submitted at the exit meeting which was attended by management and the ATRO Citra Bangsa team.

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Dr. Enny Suci Wahyuni, Sp.Rad as the Director of ATRO Citra Bangsa said that ATRO Citra Bangsa is committed to completing and immediately following up on the results of the field verification submitted by BAPETEN through the Minutes of Examination.

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"Our hope is that ATRO Citra Bangsa can be appointed as a Nuclear Training Institute so that it can contribute to producing nuclear professionals in Indonesia through an appointment by BAPETEN," said Enny in the closing session of the Field Verification. (DKKN/Deddy Rus/BHKK/Bams).

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