Field Verification of NORM Storage Permit at PT Monokem Surya, Karawang
Kembali 04 Oktober 2024 | Berita BAPETENThe Directorate of Licensing of Nuclear Installation and Material (DPIBN) of BAPETEN conducted field verification of the Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) storage permit at PT Monokem Surya, Karawang, West Java, on 3-4 October 2024. PT Monokem Surya is a producer of zircon, rutile, and ilmenite along with their derivative products.
In accordance with the mandate of BAPETEN Regulation No. 1 of 2022, the assessment of nuclear power business actors is carried out through document evaluation and field verification activities to ensure that business licensing requirements are met.
The verification team is chaired by Widia Lastana Istanto, accompanied by Bhakti Dwi Yoga, Yepi Yamani Yosa, and David Anggoro Putro as team members and evaluators. The team was received by the Plant Director, Radiation Protection Officer (PPR), legal staff, and HSE staff of PT Monokem Surya. The company expressed its appreciation for the verification carried out by BAPETEN.
Widia Lastana Istanto, during the entry meeting, conveyed the purpose of the verification activity, namely to ensure the conformity between the licensing documents submitted at the time of the permit application and the conditions in the field. After the entry meeting was completed, the activity continued with a discussion of the evaluation results.
The verification activity was continued with a field inspection of the facilities used for NORM storage and the production area of PT Monokem Surya. The results of the field verification showed that MIR storage at PT Monokem Surya had met the requirements, while there were still improvements to the licensing documents that needed to be followed up. [DPIBN/Yepi/BHKK/Da/Translator: GP]
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