Entry Meeting and BAPETEN Archives Award 2024
Kembali 08 Maret 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

Based on the Decree of the Principal Secretary of the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency Number 2080 of 2023 concerning the Determination of Archives Award Winners within BAPETEN in 2023, in order to organize archives in accordance with the principles, rules, and standards of archives within BAPETEN, the support of archival human resources as archive managers is needed. On this basis, to increase motivation for archival performance, BAPETEN, through the General and Organizational Bureau (BOU), held an entry meeting and an Archives Award Awarding event within BAPETEN online on March 8, 2024.

This event was opened by the Head of BOU BAPETEN, Dedik Eko Sumargo, who, in his opening remarks, said, "The very important thing related to archive management is that we have started a new chapter, opened a new book, made a revolution, and created a new system. In essence, the success that we are working on and the success that we will achieve are based on the past and related to the reports of what we have done. There must be advantages and disadvantages. We must correct the shortcomings in order to reach the best point. We hope that what we are working on will also get better results in the coming years."

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The speech was continued with a presentation on the "2024 Internal Archives Supervision Entry Meeting within BAPETEN" by Dedik Eko Sumargo.In his presentation, Dedik, among other things, conveyed the BAPETEN Archives Guidelines, Archives Audit Report, and Score and Categories of 2023 BAPETEN Predicate Archives Supervision Results, Very Satisfactory (AA) category, with 2023 Audit Score: 95.36 and ranked 4th at the LPNK level.

The event continued with a video screening of archival awards given to the best work units and human resources for their achievements in the internal archival supervision assessment, which was held on March 8–13, 2023. The list of winners of the 2023 Archives Award within the Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency is:

A. Award Categories for 2023 Internal Archives Supervision Results:

1. Best Archives Management Work Unit

- Main Secretariat Work Unit:

Bureau of Organization and General Services (BOU): “Very Satisfactory” predicate

- Deputy Work Unit for Licensing and Inspection:

Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances: “Very Satisfactory” predicate

- Deputy Work Unit for Nuclear Safety Studies:

Directorate of Nuclear Installation and Material Supervision Regulations: “Very Satisfactory” predicate

2. Best Archives Human Resources

- Main Secretariat Work Unit:

Endang Roheni (Main Secretariat)

- Deputy Work Unit for Licensing and Inspection:

Riviani Rizkia (Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials)

- Deputy Work Unit for Nuclear Safety Studies:

Niken Ari Respati (Directorate of Supervision of Nuclear Installations and Materials)

B.Award Category for Participation in Handing Over Protected Archives to the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia in the Context of Maintaining the Integrity, Security, and Safety of Archives Relating to the Existence of the Nation and State:

- Bureau of Legal Affairs, Cooperation and Public Communication

C.Award Category for Participation in Providing Archive Information Services for State Interests and Public Services through the JIKN

- Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials

- Directorate of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Material

- Center for Regulatory Assessment of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials

D.Award Category for Participation in Handing Over the COVID-19 Static Archives to the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia in the Context of Saving Archives from Early Handling of COVID-19:

- Bureau of Organization and General Services (BOU)

- Bureau of Legal Affairs, Cooperation, and Public Communication

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The next agenda is a discussion and question-and-answer session guided by the Head of Administration Subdivision of Deputy for Licensing and Inspection , Tri Djatmiko Sukoharto, with source persons BAPETEN Protocol and Administration, BOU, Head Kuspriyanto, and Head of Administration Subdivision Deputy for Nuclear Safety Assessment, BOU, Rinasari.

The event was closed by Dedik Eko Sumargo, who said, "An opportunity like this is a very good and happy opportunity because we can see each other and learn from each other in the context of chasing and competing to do good deeds."

"In this context, we focus on community service; we provide the best work in terms of archival management. Maybe in the past, and maybe even now, people who work in structural fields or functional groups that deal with archives are considered to have no function, like used stamps that are placed on the back, and have no meaning whatsoever. In reality, at a certain point in the journey of an institution or person, archive files or documents from the past will be required."

"For work units that are still not there or still have shortcomings or weaknesses, there is sufficient space and time to learn together to see what we can do."Those who have achieved the best level can please look after it, and for the human resources who have obtained the best level, please continue to improve so that they can be role models for other colleagues," he said. [BHKK/SP/GP]

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