Development of Legislation in the Field of Nuclear Installation and Materials
Kembali 23 Agustus 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN’s Directorate for Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DP2IBN) organizes the Development of BAPETEN Regulation No. 11/2020 on Preparation of a Power Reactor Safety Analysis Report and BAPETEN Regulation No. 3/2022 on Power Reactor Core Design Safety on Monday, August 22, 2022, offline and online. This activity aims to increase BAPETEN employees' understanding of these regulations.

The activity was opened by the Director of DP2IBN Haendra Subekti, who in his remarks said "The implementation of coaching can be carried out internally before any coaching activities are delivered externally outside BAPETEN so that participants from BAPETEN have the opportunity to understand and get as complete information about regulations which has been promulgated.” Haendra added that DP2IBN will apply service standards in the form of Technical Guidance (Bimtek), one of which is the guidance of statutory regulations in the field of nuclear installations and materials.


Then remarks from the Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga said that this guidance is an important thing so that anyone can understand the regulations that have been promulgated.

“The Power Reactor Category includes Commercial and Non-Commercial Power Reactors. For commercial power reactors, namely PLTN, for business actors, it refers to Government Regulation No. 5/2021 and for non-business actors, it refers to Government Regulation No. 2/2014” she added.


The activity continued with the presentation of the material. The first material regarding BAPETEN Regulation No. 11/2020 on the Preparation of a Power Reactor Safety Analysis Report by Bambang Eko Aryadi who said that the purpose of the BAPETEN Regulation is to guide on the format and contents of a power reactor Safety Analysis Report (LAK) for permit applicants for the construction and operation of power reactors.


Next is the presentation of material regarding BAPETEN Regulation No. 3/2022 on Power Reactor Core Design Safety delivered by Catur Febriyanto Sutopo who said that this BAPETEN regulation does not only apply to land-based but also to floating.


After the presentation session was over, it was followed by a discussion and question and answer regarding the BAPETEN regulations. The activity was closed by Haendra Subekti who thanked him for the inputs he received regarding the regulations that were used as guidance this time, but indeed the contents of the regulations that have been promulgated cannot be changed immediately. Therefore it is necessary to understand how these regulations can be applied properly. It is hoped that in the future this activity can be held again for all regulations related to nuclear installations. [DPIBN/Zakki/BHKK/OR/Da/RA]

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