Development of Legislation in the Field of Installation and Nuclear Materials
Kembali 01 April 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Directorate of Regulation of Nuclear Installations and Materials (DP2IBN) held a coaching of laws and regulations in the field of nuclear installations and materials on Monday, April 1, 2024 online. On this occasion, BAPETEN Regulation No. 5 of 2022 concerning Nuclear Reactor Aging Management and BAPETEN Regulation No. 5 of 2023 concerning Management of Modification of Non-Reactor Nuclear Installations (INNR) are the topics to be discussed. This coaching is intended for external parties of BAPETEN.

Opened by Plt. Director of DP2IBN, Bambang Eko Aryadi "This activity is a routine activity of DP2IBN which is carried out every year to socialize nuclear regulations to prospective license applicants and other stakeholders to fulfill the Job Creation Law that the public has the right to be heard, the right to be considered, and the right to obtain an explanation or answer to the opinion given. We carry out coaching for two regulations, namely BAPETEN Regulation No. 5 of 2022 concerning Nuclear Reactor Aging Management and BAPETEN Regulation No. 5 of 2023 concerning Management of Non Reactor Nuclear Installation (INNR) Modification. This coaching activity is carried out in various forms both online and offline, or through social media, coaching activities can also be carried out according to stakeholder requests. The hope is that it will increase the understanding of prospective license applicants and license applicants of the regulations that have been promulgated so that they are easier to implement."


Remarks and directions while opening the activity by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment (PKN) Haendra Subekti said "Activities like this should be carried out offline and online as well as through social media, for example in the form of posters with the target of coaching, namely the general public who are not daily engaged in the nuclear field but at least able to provide broad dissemination.”


The first presentation on the topic of BAPETEN Regulation Number 5 of 2022 concerning Nuclear Reactor Aging Management was delivered by Suci Prihastuti "The reactors currently operating have experienced aging and also BAPETEN Regulation Number 8 of 2008 concerning Safety Provisions for Non-Power Reactor Aging Management is no longer in accordance with the current conditions and to answer future nuclear power plant issues. With the aim of providing guidance for license holders regarding aging management to maintain the integrity and reliability of structures as well as guidance for systems and critical components so that license holders can realize the safe operation of nuclear reactors according to the life of the installation."


The second presentation by Zulfiandri, the Agency Regulation on modification is referred from Article 33 of Government Regulation Number 51 of 2012 concerning Safety and Security of Nuclear Installations, which says "Further provisions regarding the management of modifications are regulated by the BAPETEN’s Chairman Regulation and aim to improve the safety of nuclear installations and others, everything will boil down to safety and security and be evaluated by the BAPETEN evaluator team".

The activity was closed with a discussion and closing by PKN Deputy Haendra Subekti that expected BAPETEN would encourage safety and productivity together in nuclear power in accordance with its implementation.(DP2IBN/Zakki)(translate CD)

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