Coordination of Nuclear Law Enforcement
Kembali 08 Desember 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN's Bureau of Legal Affairs, Cooperation and Public Communication (BHKK) held a Law Enforcement Coordination Meeting on Thursday, December 8, 2022, in Jakarta. The coordination was carried out together with the Ministry of Investment (BKPM) and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).

This coordination is aimed at harmonizing the Regulation of the Draft BAPETEN’s Regulation on the Implementation of Nuclear Energy Utilization Inspection with BKPM Regulation Number 5 of 2021 on Guidelines and Procedures for Risk-Based Business Licensing Supervision.

The meeting was attended by Head of BKPM Primary and Tertiary Sector Section of DKI Jakarta and South Kalimantan Hunung Hapsari Rizki Satiti, Head of BKPM Sub Directorate of Maluku, North Maluku, Papua and West Papua, Directorate of Region IV Jliteng Pamungkas, Head of Information System and Management of Legislation Drafting of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Manzila Falah, and Head of Harmonization Sub-directorate of Monetary, Financial Services, BUMN, and Investment of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Mahfudiyah, as well as from BAPETEN, namely the Head of BHKK Indra Gunawan, Director of the Directorate of Inspection of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DIFRZR) Asep Saefullah, and his staffs.

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The activity was opened by the Head of BHKK Indra Gunawan, in his opening Indra said "This meeting was held because there is currently a revision process for the BAPETEN Regulation (Perba) regarding the management of inspections of facilities that are the object of supervision, of course, one of the big issues that need to be adjusted is that after the issuance of the Job Creation Law is the supervision provisions that have been issued by BKPM, where every legal instrument in the form of Perba there is a harmonization process with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and of course, it must be harmonized with K/L which as the supervising institution is very necessary and discussed."

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Then the event continued with a presentation by the Coordinator of the Safeguards Inspection Function Group of the Directorate of Inspection of Nuclear Installations and Materials (DI2BN) Kusbandono with the theme "Implementation of the Safeguards Agreement in Nuclear Material Inspection and Additional Protocols."


After the presentation was completed, followed by a discussion on harmonizing the Raperba Arrangement, some of the things discussed included the inspection implementer, inspection coordination, the form of inspection implementation, the basis for carrying out inspections at facilities, the implementation of inspections at any time, the preparation of inspection plans and others.

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After a detailed discussion of this Raperba, the event was closed by the Head of BHKK, Indra expressed his expectation of the harmonization process to immediately finalize the Regulations that will soon be issued by BAPETEN. [BHKK/OR/Da/RA]

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