Coordination Meeting for the Preparation of Technical Procedures Concerning INNR Decommissioning
Kembali 01 Maret 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

Directorate of Licensing of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DPIBN) BAPETEN held a Coordination Meeting for the Preparation of Technical Procedures Regarding the Decommissioning of Non-Reactor Nuclear Installations (INNR), which was held on Friday, March 1, 2024, in Serpong, South Tangerang.

This coordination meeting was attended by Director of DPIBN Wiryono, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Senior Researcher Prof. Djarot S., Wisnubroto as a source person for the PIC Decommissioning Program, and also attended by representatives from the INNR facility and the High-Risk Radiation Facility (FRRT), which consists of the Radiometallurgical Installation (IRM), the Experimental Fuel Element Installation (IEBE), the Connection Channel for the Temporary Fuel Storage Installation Former (KHIPSB3), Radioactive Waste Processing Installation (IPLR), and Radioisotope and Radiopharmaceutical Technology Installation (ITRR), DPIBN staff, as well as personnel from other work units.


Wiryono stated in his speech that the purpose of this meeting was to address facility issues related to the decommissioning program. This meeting also seeks input from facilities on technical procedures for evaluating the decommissioning program. "It is hoped that this meeting can become a forum for sharing information and experiences in preparing decommissioning programs. As a result, experts were invited to this meeting to provide their knowledge in preparing the decommissioning program," said Wiryono.

The first source person, Prof. Djarot Wisnubroto, delivered a presentation regarding the characteristics of the INNR decommissioning program. Prof. Djarot said that the first step is the need for a survey before entering into characterization. “Identification of areas of high exposure and contamination carried out through radiation measurement surveys is something that needs attention. Furthermore, the characterization of the decommissioning organization, planning, implementation, data review, and reporting are carried out," said Prof. Djarot.


"Characterization must be considered throughout the facility's life cycle, including during the construction phase. Data gathered during the construction of a nuclear facility will be extremely useful during dismantlement. Early characterization can lower costs and financial risks, reduce radioactive waste disposal by up to a factor of ten, and provide a variety of other benefits. Initial characterization is mainly for confirmation and validation," Prof. Djarot added.

The second presentation from the Center for Regulatory Assessment of Nuclear Installation and Materials (P2STPIBN) BAPETEN related to the results of the Research Reactor Decommissioning Study delivered by Anggoro Septilarso. In his presentation, the results of studies related to decommissioning from a regulatory perspective, the management of decommissioning waste, the characterization of decommissioning waste, and historical studies identifying potential waste in decommissioning activities were presented.

Anggoro revealed the experience of the INNR facility in preparing the decommissioning program, the obstacles faced in preparing the document, and input related to the decommissioning program evaluation process carried out by the DPIBN. [DPIBN/Yepi/Siwhan/BHKK/Bams/GP].


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