Best Employee of the Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources in August 2022
Kembali 17 Oktober 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

To support the implementation of bureaucratic reforms, especially in the element of change management, the Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DPFRZR) together with the Leadership of BAPETEN has taken a policy to provide rewards and punishments for employees in their work environment. The reward is in the form of providing certificates for the best employees whose assessments are carried out every month and have been carried out since the beginning of 2022.

The awarding of certificates for the best employees of DPFRZR for August 2022 was carried out on Monday, 17 October 2022, which was attended by Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, Director of DPFRZR Ishak, Coordinator of Functions and all staff within DPFRZR.



The announcement of the best employees was delivered directly by Ishak, with the following results: Fazar Waskito from the Radiation Facility Officer Licensing Function Group, Naufal Arif Syarifuddin from the Health Facility Licensing Function Group and Muhammad Angger Anompa from the Research and Industrial Facilities Licensing Function Group. This assessment of the best employees is carried out by the coordinators of the function groups at DPFRZR with consideration from the staff in their respective function groups.



Zainal Arifin supports the awarding of the best performing employee "For employees with the best performance, of course, it is necessary to give appreciation to the person concerned. This is one way to build public trust, because employees are constantly evaluated and assessed by management regularly, so that everything becomes clear. Moreover, DPFRZR has obtained WBK and is now heading to WBBM," he said.

Zainal further said that we need to carry out a communication and collaboration strategy so that BAPETEN is better known. " We seem to be lacking in slang, because it turns out that we are still not known to many parties. Therefore we must communicate to introduce BAPETEN. We must build a strategy of collaboration with other agencies. Then regarding the theme of our socialization activities, it should not be the Innovation Service because it belongs to BRIN, but the Supervision Service, according to our mandate," he said.



"I congratulate the three recipients of the best employee awards, hopefully their performance can be even better and of course the licensing service is also getting better," added Zainal.

Meanwhile, Ishak advised all DPFRZR staff present, to always work with heart. " Again we straighten our intentions in working, work with the heart, because when we work with the heart, there is no hard work. Even though there may be heavy ones, we still try and continue to do business, so it will feel light," said Ishak.

The event was closed with a prayer led by Syaifulloh, so that DPFRZR employees are always given health and blessings in work and the work done in providing services can also be valuable as worship by the side of Allah SWT. (BHKK/Bams/OR/RA)

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