BAPETEN's Exit Meeting with BPK RI
Kembali 18 Juni 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN held an online Exit Meeting with Financial Supervisory Agency (BPK RI) on Thursday (6/18), due to the BAPETEN Financial Statements year 2019 that has finished. The meeting was chaired and opened by Deputy Chairman for Administration Hendriyanto Hadi Tjahyono and continued with remarks from the Person in Charge of BPK Team E. Priyonggo Sumbodo.

In his remarks, Sumbodo said that the purpose of financial audits is to provide an opinion on financial statements by considering the suitability of financial statements with standards of government accounting, adequacy of disclosure, effectiveness of the internal control system and compliance with laws and regulations.

"Therefore, in every inspection process, we hope that there will be improvements not only from the recommendations of the BPK, but even when we discuss it, there have been improvements made," he continued.


Through the Exit Meeting, it is expected that BAPETEN can follow up the recommendations on BPK RI findings as soon as possible. BPK Auditing Team represented by Team Leader Hary Setiawan expressed his gratitude for all parties involved in auditing the financial statements of BAPETEN year 2019.

The Deputy Chairman for Administration of BAPETEN also highly appreciates the various efforts and hard work that has been carried out by the BPK RI inspection team during the inspection process.

"We also thank you for the good cooperation between BPK RI and BAPETEN, so that the inspection process can run smoothly. We will continue and always work hard to improve the quality of BAPETEN's Financial Statements in a sustainable manner," he explained. [Insp / Restu / BHKK / IP]




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