BAPETEN with IAEA Holds National Workshop on Public Communication by Regulatory Body
Kembali 03 Maret 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

Located at the Auditorium of the BAPETEN Office on Monday (02/03/2020), Deputy Chairman for Administration of BAPETEN Hendriyanto Hadi Tjahyono officially opened the "National Workshop on Public Communication by Regulatory Body" which was attended by representative participants from the Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Communication and Information, BNPB, BMKG, BATAN and also from BAPETEN.

In his remarks, Dudit, Deputy Chairman for Administration was familiarly called, said that communication and consultation are strategic instruments that support the regulatory body in carrying out its regulatory functions. Both allow the regulatory body to make the right decisions and to develop awareness about safety among the parties concerned and promote safety culture.


This workshop in collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) aims to improve competence in conducting public communication for BAPETEN staff, not only in the Law, Cooperation and Public Communication Bureau but also staff in other units, because communication is a strategic element which supports organizational functions wherever we are, communication is very important. BAPETEN also invited Public Relations from other Ministries / Institutions, so that they could get input from experts invited by BAPETEN to share knowledge about public communication.


Three experts attended the workshop, namely Mr. Jean Rene Jubin (IAEA), Mr. Gabor Kormendi, (Hungary) and Ms. Kaisa Raitio (STUK - Finland). The IAEA has issued one guidance document, namely General Safety Guide (GSG) Number 6, Communication and Consultation with Interested Parties by the Regulatory Body. This reference is an important tool for effective communication and consultation with interested parties.


Dudit warmly welcomed and gave high appreciation to the experts who had traveled far from their home country to Jakarta, "Your commitment to come here and share your knowledge in the midst of the Corona Virus Outbreak is very valuable to us" he said.


At the end of his remarks Dudit said, "We are happy to express our appreciation to the IAEA for its continued support for Indonesia in improving our regulatory functions".


To the representatives of participants from ministries / institutions, Dudit asked for an understanding of all the shortcomings in organizing this workshop and hopes the results of this workshop will be beneficial for all participants in improving the ability and knowledge of effective public communication. (bhkk / bsb)





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