BAPETEN Wins "Satisfying" Predicate in the 2019 Archive Monitoring Award
Kembali 27 Februari 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

Based on Law number 43 of 2009 concerning Archives and Regulation of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) number 6 of 2019 regarding Archiving Control, ANRI has carried out archival supervision through monitoring the follow-up of the results of archival supervision at ministries and institutions and local governments, as one of the efforts to measure the compatibility between the application of archival standards in the environment of the creator of the archives with the laws and regulations in the field of archives.

Based on the results of ANRI monitoring in archiving oversight in 2019, BAPETEN won the Award of Archive Control in 2019 with the title "satisfactory" for the institutional category. The value achieved by Bapeten is 83.53 with the category A (Satisfying). This result has increased quite significantly by 22.34, compared to the results of supervision in 2017 amounted to 61.19 with the category "Enough".

The award from ANRI was conveyed to the Deputy Chairman for Administration of BAPETEN Hendriyanto Hadi Tjahyono in the National Archives Supervision Coordinating Meeting on Wednesday (02/26/2020) in Surakarta, Central Java.


In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Permenpan-RB) No. 30 of 2018 concerning Guidelines for Evaluating Bureaucratic Reform of Government Agencies, archival oversight is one of ANRI's evaluation indicators in evaluating bureaucratic reform.

The evaluation aspects audited by ANRI in the field of archives include archival policies, archival programs, records management, institutional, human resources (HR) archives and archiving facilities and infrastructure.


With all the limited resources available in the BAPETEN, namely in the Filing and Administration Subdivision, the Organizational and Administrative Section, the General Bureau and Organization, the achievement of satisfying archival predicate is prestige achievement as an indication for the progress of records management in BAPETEN.


This achievement is expected to further encourage the performance of units in BAPETEN in managing archives in accordance to the principles, rules and archival standards and also increasing the commitment of leaders and their subordinates to the importance of orderly records management. And it can create transparency and accountability in order to support excellent public services. (buo / rinasari / bhkk / bsb)




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