BAPETEN Verification Workshop of the PRSG GAS operating permit extension
Kembali 05 Agustus 2019 | Berita BAPETEN

The Multipurpose Reactor Center - G.A Siwabessy (PRSG GAS) has requested the extension of the operation licenses to BAPETEN for the third time. In 1987, the reactor reached the first criticality and will expire on 06 December 2020. The Periodic Safety Assessment Reports and Aging studies report of PRSG GAS is a portion of the documents that must be submitted to BAPETEN as the part of the extension license process. At the moment, BAPETEN At the moment, BAPETEN is evaluating the documents.

In order to obtain the more detailed technical study, BAPETEN has collaborated with the Institute Technology of Bandung (ITB) to provide the expertise related to the aging aspects of the PRG GAS structural and component systems (SSK). A series of collaborations with ITB conducted as an external support organization including to conduct a workshop on studies of Aging non-power reactors and field verification which was held on 5-6 August 2019.

The workshop was opened by the Director of Licensing for Nuclear Materials and Installation Budi Rohman and presented a resource person from ITB led by Prof. Dr. Zaki Su'ud. During the workshop, also discussed the potential for megathrust earthquakes from the south sea of Java,the higher frequency of the earthquakes and the impact on nuclear reactors.


The Reactor Building, which was built in 1982, it requires a more precise study of aging because during construction there were very few studies of an earthquake. At the time, it was used the technology of reactor building from Germany, it might have been designed with large enough safety margin, therefore, it still can be safely operated for more than 30 years. The other 2 research reactors have been carried out the strengthening of the structure of the reactor building to be resistant to earthquakes. Learning from the Fukushima earthquake in 2011 case in Japan, BAPETEN is suggested to reform the regulation.

The last day on the itinerary was field check or field verification to obtain the support data to conduct the studies with ITB team. The head of PRSG Gas, Heru Umbara, stated that " in the future, BATAN will focus on the production of radioisotopes for medical need and the PLTN development. Related to the aging studies, PRSG is conducting testing of the strength of the building structure in collaboration with the Center for Structural Strength Technology (B2TKS), the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT). [DPIBN/AA/BHKK/SP]


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