Bapeten Successfully Held the 11th Annual Meeting - Asia Pacific Safeguards Network (APSN) online
Kembali 02 Desember 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

Bapeten held the 11th Annual Meeting - Asia Pacific Safeguards Network (APSN) and was attended by 67 participants from 16 APSN member countries. The annual meeting held online, was attended by representatives from the United States, Australia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Canada, Japan and the IAEA.(2/12/2020).

The event began with a welcome speech from the Director General of multilateral cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Febrian Alphyanto Ruddyard. Febrian thanked Bapeten for holding this activity and warmly welcomed the participants who participated in the meeting "Our virtual participation in this meeting reflects our firm commitment to strengthen the implementation of Safeguatd Network regionally, even though it is currently in pandemic condition" he said.


Chairman of Bapeten Jazi Eko Istiyanto as Chairman of Asia Pasific Safeguards Network officially opened this event. Jazi expressed his warm welcome and gave appreciation to all delegates for their participation in the 11th Annual Meeting of APSN conducted virtually. "Your participation represents the regional concern in maintaining the implementation of effective nuclear safeguards for the prevention of misuse of nuclear materials and related facilities" he said.


The annual meeting was filled with Presentations from IAEA Peter Rance "Safeguard in the Time of Covid” and presentations from S.Margot Mininni, Senior Program Manager for International Nuclear Safeguards Engagement for South and Southeast Asia US- DOE related to Report on Regional Seminar of LOF and Effective Regulatory Authorities (APSN activities on 2019-2020), continues with discussion of subsequent APSN activities, including sharing the problems faced by APSN members during the Covid-19 period.


To affirm the commitment of APSN members to the implementation of the Safeguards agreement, each member state is required to convey its commitment to the implementation of the Safeguards and APSN agreements, guided by Khoirul Huda, Senior Advisor to the Chairman of Bapeten. The commitment statement from Bapeten was delivered by Khoirul Huda, Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection.


Zaenal said "We are committed to supporting all APSN members to focus on developing safeguard resources and techniques in the region" Furthermore, Indonesia will continue to work with the IAEA through the implementation of the Comprehensive Safeguard Agreement (CSA) and its Additional Protocol (AP) since 2003 and also the implementation of the State Level Approach (SLA) since January 2017.

On this occasion, the handover of the position of Chairman of APSN from the Chairman of APSN 2019 -2020 Jazi Eko Istiyanto to the Chairman of APSN 2021-2022 from Vietnam Nguyen Tuan Khai, Director General of the Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (VARANS). This handover is also done virtually.

The event closed with the message from Chairman of Bapeten." We thank all facilitators, presenters, and participants who have shared useful experiences and discussions for all of us" he said.

"The active contribution of all participants has enriched our discussion sessions and we have all benefited from the experience and insights that have been conveyed by other participants, of course this becomes something unforgettable and this meeting is done virtually" he concluded.


This virtual APSN meeting was success. Praise came not only from the Chairman of Bapeten but also from other state envoys as participants of this APSN. "Thank you Bapeten for making this more than a "virtual meeting" and more of a special event" said John Kalish, one of the APSN participants from Australia.(BHKK/Bams/RA/OR)




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