BAPETEN Present To Strengthen The Role And Professionalism Of Medical Radiation Protection Officers In Health Facilities
Kembali 22 Juli 2019 | Berita BAPETEN

Radiation Protection Officer as one of the organizers of radiation safety at the facility has a very important role because it is the main personnel in the use of ionizing radiation sources that responsible for implementing radiation safety requirements at the facility or installation. BAPETEN is well aware of the importance of the role of the Radiation Protection Officer, therefore an effort to raise and enhance the role and professionalism of the Radiation Protection Officer starting this year, through a study on the topic of the Study of Strengthening the Role and Professionalism of Medical Radiation Protection Officer in Health Facilities.

On July 18, 2019 in Surabaya, P2STPFRZR - BAPETEN held a meeting of the Focus Group Disscussion (FGD) which was attended by representatives of the Medical Radiation Protection Officer in East Java. The meeting was opened by the Head of P2STPFRZR, Djoko Hari Nugroho and the discussion was guided by the Head of the Health Assessment Division, Rusmanto. Participants were very enthusiastic and appreciative of supporting this activity and hoped that BAPETEN's steps in seeking to strengthen the role of the PPR could be realized immediately.

The input and information obtained from this FGD meeting complemented the results of the FGD that had previously been conducted in Jakarta, Serang, and Bandung. The purpose of this meeting was to gather information from medical Radiation Protection Officer during their duties as Radiation Protection Officer at the facility. The information submitted by the Radiation Protection Officer contains challenges, obstacles, and success stories as a Radiation Protection Officer.



Based on the results of several of these meetings, P2STPFRZR will identify and mapped the constraints that are the challenges of the Radiation Protection Officer in their duties, so that it can be a first step to formulate efforts that can be built in terms of strengthening the role and professionalism of the Radiation Protection Officer especially in the medical field. Among the important points identified are the lack of attention or the role of facility management to the Radiation Protection Officer, communication forums or forums for Radiation Protection Officer are needed, and need guidelines or guidelines regarding daily / weekly / monthly tasks for the formulation of analysis of workloads as Radiation Protection Officer. [P2STPFRZR/EK/BHKK/IS]

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