BAPETEN Participates in the Exposure Test for the Acceleration of Business Implementation (PPB)
Kembali 20 Agustus 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN fulfills the invitation of the State / Institutional Ministry Nominee Exposure Test regarding the implementation of the Acceleration of Business Implementation (PPB) of the State / Institution Ministry on Friday, August 19, 2022 in Jakarta. This event is in the context of the assessment of the Acceleration of Business Implementation (PPB) of the Ministry of State / Institution conducted by the Ministry of Investment of the Republic of Indonesia / BKPM.

BAPETEN was selected to be the top 8 (eight) Nominees of the Ministry of State / Institution that performed well in the implementation of the Ministry of State / Institution according to the assessment results of the Assessment Team.

At this exposure test event, BAPETEN was represented by Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo, who was accompanied by the Coordinator of the Research and Industrial Facility Licensing Function Group, Mukhlisin and staff.


This event was also attended by other State Ministry/Institution Nominees who performed well in the administration, there are the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Health.

The Assessment Team consisted of 5 echelon 1 and 5 echelon 2 coming from the Ministry of Investment/BKPM, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Kemenpan RB, KPPOD, Ministry of Home Affairs, HIPMI, BPKP, Cabinet Secretariat and Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas.


In this activity Sugeng Sumbarjo explained "Performance Assessment of Acceleration of Business Implementation (PPB) in the Nuclear Sector", which includes the Organizational Structure, Duties and Functions of BAPETEN, OSS-RBA Supervision related to Licensing and Inspection, Compilation Process and Existence of NSPK related to Risk-Based Business Licensing, Integration and Verification of Business Licensing in the OSS System (Balis 2.0 - OSS 1.0 & 1.1 and Balis 2. 5 - OSS RBA), Risk Screening Activities carried out and the Results, Socialization and Assistance Conducted by BAPETEN, PPB Implementing Organization (Formality, Work Program, Activities), Cross-Stakeholder coordination activities (Central, Regional and APH), BAPETEN Commitment (including budget for PPB), Monitoring and Evaluation (Activities and Reporting) and finally Sugeng also explained about Improvements in Policies, Authorities and Services as well as Steps or Strategies in Making Service Improvements.


After the Exposure Test, an Examination Test (full competition) is then conducted by the Assessment Team. Determination of the best Ministry / Institution is based on the cumulative value of the exposure test (40%) and the mock test (60%). Hopefully BAPETEN will again win the title of the best Ministry / Institution because in the previous year 2021 BAPETEN won the 2nd (second) best award in the category of State Ministries / Institutions in the 2021 Investment Service Award. [DPFRZR/Sunarya/BHKK/OR]

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