BAPETEN Opens Consultation and Licensing Services in The Health Sector at The Lampung Local Health Office
Kembali 17 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN's Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) opened consultations and licensing services for the utilization of ionizing radiation sources in the health sector at the Lampung Capital Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Agency (DPMPTSP) on 14-15 November 2022. This activity aims to provide guidance and consultation directly to Permit Applicants related to the Fullfilment of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Licensing Requirements that have been integrated through Online Single Submission (OSS) with Balis 2.5 and Collaboration in the Supervision of Nuclear Energy Utilization to Increase Public Trust.

The implementation of the activity was attended by 80 institutions from Lampung and Sumatra and Banten, which were divided into two days of activities and limited the number of attendees according to the contents of the attendance link for both invitees and additional participants from institutions that were in the licensing process, where for each agency only allowed being represented by one representative in good health, wearing a mask, maintaining distance, and bringing their hand sanitizer.

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This activity was led by DPFRZR Director Ishak and accompanied by the Coordinator of the Health Facility Licensing Function group Iin Indartati and related staff.

The event began with the opening by the Head of DPMPTSP Lampung represented by Novalinda with the position of Associate Expert Policy Analyst who said "With BAPETEN’s present at the one-stop service, it will provide clarity and be a good opportunity for business actors to carry out the licensing process connected to risk-based OSS, and obtain legality in the field of diagnostic and interventional radiology services so that their business can run smoothly."

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Followed by remarks from DPFRZR Director Ishak who said "Gratitude and appreciation to Lampung DPMPTSP for providing a representative room for On The Spot Licensing activities, why it is done at DPMPTSP because BAPETEN is actively collaborating with various parties that have a big impact on licensing aspects." This was followed by a presentation by Ishak on the Development of Licensing System for the Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources.

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During this activity, presentation materials were delivered on the Socialization of Licensing Mechanisms through Balis 2. 5 Integrated with Risk-Based Online Single Submission (OSS-RBA) and Technical Guidance by Maradi Abdilah, then a presentation on Criteria for acceptance of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Requirements by Herry Irawan, then a presentation on Licensing Requirements According to the Provisions in Perba No. 3/2021 by Anet Hayani and Presentation of Nuclear Business Licensing Management (Service Level Arrangements) according to Perba No. 1/2022 by Vatimah Zahrawati and applicant satisfaction surveys.

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The enthusiastic attendance of the participants was utilized by consulting directly with the BAPETEN health facility licensing evaluator on the obstacles to the licensing process for the utilization of nuclear power in the health sector and the one-day permit issuance service can be carried out if the requirements are met. [DPFRZR/Dwiang/BHKK/OR]

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